
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


Rising heat boosts spending 
8月13日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.6)、
「猛暑商戦 活況」という消費関連の記事を取り上げました。

― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

curb   抑制する
―― put a curb on spending  費用を抑える、消費を抑制する
―― curb(名)  縁石
personal spending   個人消費
light a fire under people’s wallets   人々の財布の下に火をつける、消費を煽る
swelter  猛暑、うだるような暑さ
nonalcoholic beverages  ノンアルコール飲料
on the year  前年比で
mercury rises   水銀柱が上がる、温度(気温)が上昇する
a year-on-year 2% decline   前年比2パーセントの落ち込み
existing Uniqlo stores  ユニクロの既存店
underwear   肌着、下着
changeover to digital terrestrial broadcasting   地デジ放送への移行
pick-me-up   (景気づけて)元気を回復させるもの、強壮剤
amusement parks with aquatic attractions  (プールなど)水遊び関連の呼び物がある遊園地
draw increasing traffic   客足を伸ばしている
customer-drawing tactic  顧客誘致作戦
optimize air conditioning  空調を最適な状態にする
green wall  (植物でおおった)緑の壁
hose down  ホースで水をまく、ホースで水をかける

curb spending  支出を抑える、消費を抑制する
―― curb one's temper   怒りを抑える、いらだちを抑える
―― curb one's desires   欲望を抑える
Jim often becomes upset easily but has recently been making a special effort to curb his temper.
(curb の同意語/ restrain, keep in check  抑える、阻止する)

give ... a boost  ~を後押しする、~を押し上げる
Dave's becoming a member of that website has given his used car business a great boost in sales.
I need to put this box up on that shelf but it's too high and there's no stepladder. Could you give me a boost?

a pick-me-up ( = a boost )  元気を回復させるもの(=強壮剤)
When I am tired and can't concentrate on my work, a fresh cup of hot coffee is always a nice pick-me-up.

hit ...   ~に行く
It's very hot today, so why don't we hit the pool?
I have a big test tomorrow, so tonight, I'd better hit the books.

You look really tired, and it's past midnight. I think it's time for you to hit the sack. (or, hit the hay )
―― hit the sack. (or, hit the hay )  寝る、床に就く

This is a great party! I'd love to stay longer but I have to get up early tomorrow so I'd better be hitting the road.
すばらしいパーティーです! 長くいたいのですが、でも明日早く起きなければなりませんので、おいとまする方がいいでしょう。

Bob and Jim have not been out for drinks for several weeks, but tonight, they plan to hit the town.


