
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


Ease youth worries to stop population drop

6月18日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)、


all-time low  これまでにない低さ、過去最低
hit bottom  底を打つ、最も低い値となる
stall  失速する
hit a postwar high  戦後最高に達する
birthrate and population  出生率と人口
due in part to~   ~も原因の一つである、一部は~のためである
child-rearing  育児、子育て
put forward   掲げる、出す
the Cabinet Office  内閣府
over the last decade   この10年で、過去10年間に
age bracket   年齢層
unemployment  失業率、失業数
underemployment  非正規雇用、不完全雇用
juggle A and B  AとBをうまく両立させる
pension   年金
bleak future  暗い未来、希望のない将来
purchasing power  購買力
labor shortage  労働力不足


■  come to ...  合計~になる
... And your total comes to $129.35. Will that be cash or charge?

see an increase   増加とわかる、増加を見る
■ see a decrease   減少とわかる、減少を見る
We have seen a significant increase in underemployment in the past year.
The past year has seen a significant increase in underemployment.
Underemployment has seen a significant increase in the past year.

(be) equivalent to ...  ~に相当して(いる)
The common belief that one dog year is equivalent to 7 human years is not completely accurate as it does not factor in, for example, the size and breed of the dog.

(leaving) ... aside, ... ~は別にする、~はさておき
Bob can be very temperamental and short-tempered at times. That aside, he's an excellent worker and can be depended on to get the job done.

hold ... back = keep ... (from doing ... )  引き止める、抑える、(昇進などを)妨げる
Jerry would like an upper management position but his not having an MBA is holding him back.

whereas   ~であるのに対して、しかるに
start a family   初めての子をもうける
Sam and Sue had their first child within a year of getting married, whereas Marty and Mary waited 5 years before starting their family.


