
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


4月30日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)の社説

―― キーワード、経済関連英語 ――

the Senkaku Islands chain     尖閣諸島
the archipelago   諸島、列島、(尖閣諸島)
the East China Sea   東シナ海
claims of sovereignty over …   ~への主権(領有権)の主張
fall under the administrative jurisdiction of …   ~の行政管轄下にある
Uotsuri   魚釣島
lease   賃借りする、借り上げる
expand its naval capabilities   海軍力を増強する、海洋進出を拡大する
security issues   安全保障の問題
keen on pressing the matter
given ~  ~を考慮すれば
Japan Coast Guard   海上保安庁
sovereign interests   主権の権益
bring … under the control of …    ~を~の支配下に置く
Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly   東京都議会
does not appear sufficiently interested in … 
play down    大きく取り上げない、~を軽く扱う
the profile of the issue  その問題の注目度
vocal  声高に主張する、やかましい
be uncomfortable with …   ~に不快感を抱く
vow   断言する、誓う

―― 使える英語 ―― 

keep out of (an issue, a dispute, an argument, etc.)
(問題、論争、議論 などを)避ける、かかわらない

If two of your friends are having an argument, it's usually best to keep out of their dispute and not to take sides, if possible.

raise the issue (of ... )  (... の)問題を提起する

In recent months, there have been a number of accidents caused by faulty machinery in company factories. John therefore plans to raise the issue of worker safety at the next labor union meeting.

(be) keen on doing ...   ~することを熱望して(いる)、~したがって(いる)
   (be) keen to do ...  ( = would very much like to do ... )
~したいと思って(いる)(=たいへん.. したいと思うのですが)
Before purchasing these new stereo speakers, I would be rather keen on giving them a listen.

play down ...   ~を軽く扱う、軽視する
   play up ...  ~を強調する、宣伝する

In order to garner popularity and support, most politicians, naturally,
will play down their failures and, conversely, play up their achievements.
= In order to garner popularity and support, most politicians, by default,
will play down their failures and, conversely, play up their achievements.

(be) vocal  自由に意見を述べる、声高に主張する

Residents were against the construction of a factory in their town when the idea was first proposed. Recently, they have become more vocal by staging various demonstrations in front of the town hall.

draw attention to ...   ~に注意をひく

If you wish to be a spy, you must blend in with your surroundings and never draw attention to yourself. For example, if you are only 9 years old, you must never wear a fake beard.
もしあなたがスパイになりたければ、周囲と溶け合って決して自分自身に注意をひきつけてはなりません。たとえば、もしあなたがほんの9歳なら、 付け髭を決してつけてはなりません。

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