
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


4月23日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.24)、

―― キーワード、経済関連英語 ――

demographics  人口の構造、平均年齢
the wedding-ceremony    結婚式
engaged couple   婚約済みのカップル
opt for~   ~を選ぶ、選び取る
bride   花嫁、新婦
groom   花婿、新郎
come into favor    好まれる
some  約、およそ
cohabiting couples    同棲している恋人たち
forgo    ~なしで済ませる、差し控える
full-blown 本格的な
in response それに応えて、それに応じて
grandiose 大げさな
low-key  控えめの、地味な
the greater Tokyo area  東京圏
lavish decoration ぜいたくな飾り付け、豪華な装飾
cultivate a new clientele   新しい顧客を開拓する
remarry   再婚する
well received   評判のよい、好評の
sign up (for ~)   (~に)申し込む、契約する
decide against  ~しないことに決める
move in together  一緒に住むようになる、同棲を始める
pregnant   妊娠している
wedding attire  婚礼衣装

―― 使える英語 ―― 

opt for ~   ~の方を選ぶ
opt to do ~  ~する方を選ぶ
When purchasing a new portable electronic device, such as a camera, smartphone or laptop PC, many customers opt to buy insurance that will cover damage repair costs during the first several years.

(their) big day   (彼らの)大事な日、(彼らの)本番
Dave has been practicing the piano for months to prepare for the school festival. I hope he's ready because tomorrow's the big day.

full-blown  十分に発達した、本格的な
The low-pressure system that is approaching the coast is no ordinary rainstorm -- it's a full-blown typhoon.
沿岸に接近している低気圧は決して並みの暴風雨ではありません ―― 本格的な台風です。

meet needs  必要を満たす、要求に応える
Whatever size & type of home you'd like to build, our highly skilled staff of architects have the experience and expertise to meet all your needs.

do without ~    ~なしで済ます
do with ...   ~があるとありがたい、~が必要である

A: I could do with a glass of wine now. Would you care to have one, as well?
B: Sounds nice but I think I'll do without. I have to get back to the office for an important video conference just after this.
A: いまワイン一杯飲みたいな。キミも一杯いかがですか?
B: いいですね、ですが私は飲まないでおこうと思います。私はちょうどこの後重要なビデオ会議のために職場に戻らなければなりませんので。

go the ... route   ~の手段をとる、~の経路を進む
decide against ...   ~しないことに決める
Going the Internet route to meet new people has become increasingly popular of late. There are still many, however, who prefer the old-fashioned way of making new friends and have decided against joining social media sites.

番組や出演者へのメッセージは コチラ

