
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


3月26日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.5)、

― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

dimming prospects    暗い見通し、不透明な先行き
land price    地価
graying population    高齢化
impede a full recovery    本格的な回復を遅らせる
upscale residential neighbourhood  高級住宅地
Chuo Ward    中央区
log   記録する
expat   国外居住者、海外駐在者(expatriate)
hollowing out   空洞化
procurement    調達
the Cabinet Office    内閣府
industrial land    工業用地
sole  唯一の
come into play   作用する、働き始める
push up office vacancy rates  オフィス空室率を押し上げる
given~   ~を考慮すれば
personal income sluggishness  個人所得の低迷
saddle with~   ~を負わせる、~を課す
latent losses  含み損
come up with~   提案する、つくり出す
boost asset prices     資産価格を押し上げる


dim prospects    見通しを曇らせる、見通しをあいまいにする
The ongoing use of violence by the government of Syria against its own people continues to dim prospects for a new democratic regime to emerge in that country.

an influx of ...    ~の流入(殺到)
Japan isn't the only country whose economy is being helped by an influx of Chinese tourists. Visitors from the middle kingdom are spending their money all over the globe.

can hardly be blamed for ...   ~のことでほとんど責められない
When Mr. Tanaka's ordered items arrived 2 hours late, he was upset. The delivery company can hardly be blamed, however, as an accident had caused a massive traffic jam.

come into play   働き始める、作用する、効果を示す
at an accelerating pace   加速度的に
Most scientists now agree that although global warming may be a naturally occurring phenomenon, it is happening at an accelerating pace now that human activity, such as the increased burning of fossil fuels, has come into play.

be saddled with ...   ~ で負わされている、~をかかえている
As the birthrate falls and average life expectancy remains high, people entering the workforce in Japan now will be saddled more and more with the burden of supporting the ever-increasing graying generation.

木曜 22:30-23:00 
土曜 17:30-18:00 (再)
放送は、radiko.jp に配信しています。


