
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


3月19日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.2)、

―― キーワード、経済関連英語 ――

nurse a wound     傷の手当てをする、けがを治療する
leadership change   指導部の交代
cap an era    一つの時代に終わりを告げる、時代を締めくくる
stewardship    経営、主導
Chairman    会長
President   社長
force   有力企業、勢力
liquid-crystal display   液晶ディスプレイ(LCD)
ultimately backfire   結局裏目にでる
competitive landscape (業界の)競争環境
name    任命する、指名する
take the helm     舵を握る、最高指導の地位につく
without representative rights    代表権のない
net loss    純損失
the year through March    2012年3月期まで
step down to take responsibility   引責辞任する
admit to making some strategic blunders
in a timely manner   時宜を得て、タイムリーに
mainstay products  主力商品、主力製品
a dozen or so years   12年ぐらい、12-3年
duo   コンビ、二人組
LCD-driven    液晶ディスプレイ主導の
unit   部門、子会社
balloon    急増する、爆発的に拡大する
patent   特許
state-of-the-art   最新鋭の、最新技術の
supremacy   優位、最高位
heavy-spending   高額の(設備)投資を行う
slash   削減する
come onstream  操業を開始する
bleed red ink  赤字を垂れ流す
express regret over …  ~に遺憾を表明する、~を後悔する
10th-generation LCD plant   第10世代のLCD工場
structural reform   構造改革
in hopes of …   ~を期待して、~をねらって
form tie-ups   提携する
so far     これまでは
offset    相殺する 
market cap shrinkage 株式時価総額の縮小
signs of strain   ひずみの兆候
second-guess   後知恵で批判する
to be fair    公平を期せば
deserve credit for …  ~で称賛に値する
premier   最高の
issue a harsh verdict   厳しい評価を下す
slice its market capitalization by half   時価総額を半分に削り取る
perk up   活力を取り戻す、急に上がる
unveil specific plans   具体策を明らかにする

―― 使える英語 ―― 

backfire  不測の結果に終わる、裏目にでる
John's plan to make Mary happy on her birthday by giving her a small kitten completely backfired. He'd had no idea that she was extremely allergic to cat fur.

■ take the helm   舵を執る
During a typhoon at sea, the captain suddenly took ill and required medical attention. As second in command, I therefore took the helm and managed to pilot the ship to safety.

in a timely manner   時宜を得て、折りよく
Because we are 40 minutes late and were unable to deliver your pizzas in a timely manner, we hope you'll accept your entire order today free of charge.

a dozen or so   1ダースくらい
a spending spree / a shopping spree   消費景気 / 湯水のような金使い
It looks like someone went on a spending spree today! What's that in your bag? A dozen or so pair of shoes?!!
今日、誰かさんは金に糸目をつけずに買い物にでかけたようです! 袋の中身はなんですか? 1ダースくらいの靴ですか?!!

so far  これまで
Today, I'd like to talk about the successes we've had so far this year, as well as those that we expect to have by year's end.

Q: How is your event going? Is everything happening as planned?
イベントの進行具合はどうですか? すべては計画通りに行われますか?
A: Yes. So far, so good.

The decision to raise the current consumption tax rate in Japan is sure to be second-guessed by both economists and the general public from the moment it is implemented.

There are a number of economists who are now second-guessing when and to what extent the current consumption tax rate will be raised.


