
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


3月5日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.36)、

―― キーワード、経済関連英語 ――

get to the bottom of ~   ~の真相を突き止める
fraud   詐欺
stir distrust   不信感を募らせる
murky   はっきりしない、理解しにくい
regulator  監視官、監視委員(会)
in-depth investigation   徹底した調査
deception   ごまかし
probe  捜査、査察
fraudulent transactions   不正行為、詐欺
Metropolitan Police Department    警視庁
Tokyo District Public Prosecutor’s Office  東京地方検察庁
ex-stockbroker  元・株式仲買人、元・投資関連会社の人
Financial Instrument and Exchange Law   金融商品取引法
falsify    偽る、改ざんする
financial statements  財務諸表、決算書、会計報告書
one-time    元~、1回限りの
allegedly    申し立てによると、〜だということだ
cook Olympus’ books   オリンパスの帳簿をごまかす
securities industry  証券業界
conceal one’s losses  損失を隠蔽する
defraud investors  投資家に詐欺行為をする、投資家からだまし取る
cover up losses    損失を隠蔽する
brokerage   証券会社、仲買業務
lie low   身を潜める、身を隠して時機を待つ
undermine trust   信頼を損なう、信頼を崩す
exhaustive  徹底的な
Financial Services Agency   金融庁
under current rules    現行法規のもとでは
be subject to penalties    罰則の対象となる
corporate governance   企業統治
outside board member   社外取締役
keep a lookout for ~   ~を見張る、~に気をつける
wrongdoing  不正行為、悪事
Companies Act  会社法
audit system  監査制度

― 使える英語 ―

■  get to the bottom of ~  ~の真相を突き止める、~の正体を暴く
■  the whole truth  真相の全て、全真相
Though the suspect in the robbery appears to be lying, police are confident
they will learn the whole truth soon and get to the bottom of what really happened.

■  put (one's skills) to work  (人の技能)を活かす
After the earthquake and tsunami last year, Mr. Nagashima, an experienced backhoe operator, decided to go up to Tohoku, as a volunteer, and put his skills to work.

If your son would like to earn some spending money, tell him to come around tomorrow morning. I can put him to work pulling weeds and cutting grass all over my yard.

■  nab / be nabbed  捕まえる / 捕まる
After 5 years on the run, the fugitive was finally nabbed by airport security staff as he attempted to board a plane leaving the country.

■  hop from one ~ to the next  一つの~から次のものにとび移る
Online shoppers today, hopping from one website to the next, have become savvy at finding the best possible deals.

■  give (one) an incentive  (人に)刺激を与える、(人に)報奨金を与える
In a bid to give his employees an incentive to come up with new & useful ideas, Mr. Harrison devised a "Best Idea of the Month" system that awards employees with a special cash bonus at the end of each year.


