
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


2月27日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.1・3)、
「超円高 修正進む」という記事について

―― キーワード、経済関連英語 ――

charge to …   ~に突き進む、~に突入する
beat a retreat    後退する、退去する
seven-month low    七ヶ月ぶりの安値
risk-averse   リスクを回避して、リスクを嫌う
let down one’s guard   ガードをゆるめる、警戒をゆるめる
perception  認識、イメージ
narrow   縮小する、せばめる
current account surplus   経常収支黒字
the rate had not escaped the 70s   
intervention   介入
greenback   米ドル
put on some muscle    小高くなる、いくらか筋力をつける
brawny    たくましい、筋骨隆々な
Nikkei currency index   日経通貨インデックス
nominal effective exchange rate   名目実効為替レート
fed by …   ~で力づけられる
speculation   憶測、思惑
put upward pressure on …   ~に上昇圧力をかける
monetary easing    金融緩和
reverse the flow of safety-oriented yen investment
pump huge amounts of liquidity into …  多額の流動性資金を~につぎ込む
runoff    流出マネー、余剰マネー
high-interest-rate states   高金利国
crude oil futures   原油先物
real   レアル(ブラジルの通貨)
short-term Japanese government debt   短期日本国債
something to cheer or jeer   慰めか冷やかすもの
sweet relief    安堵、好感する安心
reason enough for …    ~にとって十分な理由
lose ground against the dollar   対ドルで値が下がる
third-highest year-to-date level  年初来三番目の高水準
anyone’s guess   意見がバラバラである
punishing   厳しい

―― 使える英語 ―― 

charge  襲う、突撃する
beat a retreat  退却する、手を引く
The army charged two of the enemy's key positions and made a brave attempt to capture them. It was soon overwhelmed, however, and had to beat a quick retreat to a point further back than from where it had started.

let down one's guard  人のガードをゆるめる
In the war against computer viruses, it is important never to let down your guard. In other words, you must always use virus protection software and keep it up to date.

put on some muscle / put on some weight   強くなる、筋肉がつく / 少し体重を増す
A: Wow. Bill's looking good. He's lost some weight, hasn't he?

B: Yes. Looks like he's taken off all the fat and put on some muscle. He must be working out.
A: わぁ。ビルがかっこよくなってる。彼は少し体重が減ったんじゃない?
B: ええ。彼は脂肪をすべて減らしてだいぶ筋肉をつけたみたい。鍛えているにちがいない。

drive ~  活発にする、強く推進する
Company M hopes that increased sales and its tie-up with Company P will
drive growth in the next quarter.

warm to ~   ~に熱心になる、~に心引かれる
When I proposed that we renegotiate our office rental agreement last week,
Mr. Hill rejected the idea outright. He seems to be warming to the idea today, however. He has just asked me to find our copy of the
rental contract and put it on his desk.

force (one) to do ~  (人に)~するよう強いる
If you are unable to close any program on your computer, choosing this command from this menu will force it to shut down.

there are no guarantees that ~ / there is no guarantee that ~
Even when you have a hit product in your own country, there is no guarantee that it will do well in markets overseas.

