
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


12月12日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.23)の経済記事です。

imminent 切迫した、今にも起ころうとしている、差し迫った
sound an alarm 警鐘を鳴らす、危険を知らせる
Bernard Madoff バーナード・マドフ(元NASDAQ会長。巨額詐欺事件で逮捕)
scheme 構想、計画、もくろみ
be convicted of~ ~のかどで有罪となる
Ponzi scheme ポンジー型利殖詐欺方式、ねずみ講
be on the front page 新聞の一面に出る、大ニュースになる
the work force 総労働力、全労働人口
dissave 預金を引き出す
saving rate 貯蓄率
be forecast to~ ~する見込みだ、~すると予測されている
by some measures 見方によっては、ある程度は
be in the worst financial shape 財政状況が最も悪い
government bond 国債、政府債務
come to an end 終わる、尽きる
reckon ~と判断する、評価する
fiscal meltdown 財政崩壊
give ~a second thought ~に考え直させる、~に再考させる
default 債務不履行
apocalyptic 絶望的な、予言的な、前兆となる
bear 弱気筋 (⇔bull)
JGB 日本国債
swap スワップ取引
ominous 不吉な
woe 災難、悩み(の種)、不調
JGB yield 日本国債利回り
credit default swap


sound the alarm    警報を出す、警鐘を鳴らす
When Mr. Halford was about to enter his hotel room, he noticed smoke coming out from under the door and quickly sounded the fire alarm in the hallway.

If the Euro were to collapse, it would sound the alarm for the future of many developing nations.

come to an end   終わる
After 3 encores, the concert finally came to an end just past 10:30.

of one's own   自分自身の
Thank you for lending me your car so many times over the past 2 years. You may be relieved to know that I have finally saved enough money to get one of my own. And you, of course, may use it anytime you like.

give one second thoughts   人に再考させる
Newlyweds Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood were all set to take out a loan to buy their own home but unstable conditions in the market have given them second thoughts. They now have decided to wait a few years before they take the plunge.

to some degree / to some extent   ある程度は
To some degree, I agree with and can support Mr. Tanaka's proposal.


