
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


11月14日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)の社説です。


rein in~  ~を抑える、手綱を引く
relentless climb  容赦ない上昇(とどまるところのない円高)
the authorities 当局
be committed to~ ~に尽力する
creep up 徐々に上昇する、じわじわと上がる
put a strain on~ ~に負担をかける、~に重圧をかける
drag ~down ~を引きずり落とす
undermine international competitiveness 国際競争力を低下させる
shift production overseas 生産拠点を海外に移転する
all-time high 史上最高の高さ、最高記録
market intervention 市場介入
be vulnerable to~ ~(非難など)を受けやすい、~にさらされている
coincide with~ ~と同時に起こる、~と一致する
additional monetary easing 追加金融緩和
have a point 一理ある
step into the market 市場に介入する
appreciation 上昇、高騰
sovereign debt crisis 国家債務危機
remain under strong upward pressure 強い上昇圧力のもとにある、円高傾向が続く
avoid risk リスクを回避する
have a limited impact 限られた影響しかない、効果が限定的だ
above all とりわけ、何よりも
full-blown 本格的な、完全な
prop up 下支えする、支える


keep up the fight (on/against ~ )     ~と戦い続ける
If one wishes to grow herbs or vegetables outdoors, one must always keep up the fight against not only weeds and insects, but also birds and various other creatures that will try to devour them.

pose a (serious) threat to ~   ~に(深刻な)脅威を与える、~を脅かす
creep up   じわじわと上がる
River water levels have been creeping up by the hour and now pose a threat to towns and villages nearby should the river overflow.

(do) not hesitate to do ~   躊躇することなく~する
If you have any trouble at all, do not hesitate to call me and ask for help.

put a(n enormous) strain on ~
The company's decision to cut several hundred jobs at its factory yet maintain previous levels of production has put an enormous strain on employees who continue to work there.

drag ~ down  ~を引き下げる
George, I have enjoyed singing and performing with you for several years, but as you are obviously much more talented than myself, I have decided to quit our duo and find a good replacement for you. In other words, you are going places* and I do not wish to drag you down.

an all-time high/low   最高記録 / 最低記録
Company A's new smart phone is its most popular ever, with sales worldwide at an all-time high.
The team's inability to win a single game this season has put team morale at an all-time low.

*you are going places = you are going to be very successful around the world or over a large area 成功する、出世する

