
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


9月26日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.2)のコラムです

― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

current state  現状
alliance 同盟
regard with trust   信頼して見る、信頼を持って見つめる
security role   安全保障上の役割
sluggishness stands out all the more  鈍さが一層目立つ
further prospects  行方
assertive  積極的
grow assertive  
fray   ときほぐす、すり減らす
fulcrum  支点、支柱
face-off  対立、対決、にらみ合い
maritime rights  海洋権益
butt heads  角突き合わせる、頭をぶつける
far-flung islands 遠く離れている島々、広範囲にわたる島々
embroil    巻き込む
all the while  その間ずっと
festering  くすぶっている
stress point  緊張対立点
fill the power vacuum  力の空白を埋める
waver  ぐらつく、ためらう
stand in stark contrast  全く対照的である
internal ramifications  国内がらみの影響、内政の派生問題
viability   実現性、存続可能性
scant perspective   乏しい全体的な見方
grow out of their myopic diplomatic stances 
entail  必要とする、課する
grim security landscape  厳しい安全保障情勢
determination  決意、解決、決定
at this rate  このままでは、こんな調子で
turn its back on ~ ~を見放す、~に背を向ける
the impasse drags on  行き詰まり状態が長引く
toss around the idea   考えを持ち出す、考えを吟味する
outcome   結果、結末


stand out (from ~ )   (~から)目立つ;際立つ
John's painting his house a bright orange made it stand out from the others in his neighborhood.

→related adjective: outstanding   目立つ、顕著な
Boss: Your efforts in our various projects this year have been outstanding. And so, I have decided to give you a promotion.

festering    いやになるような、くすぶっている
Her wound wasn't treated properly, and so it began to fester and become worse.
Mark is upset about something that happened at work last month. And since
he has not talked to anyone about it, his anger is now festering.

waver  ぐらつく、ためらう、躊躇する
The keys to success in establishing a new business are to have a vision,
set meaningful goals, work toward them, and never waver from them.

be eager to do ~  ~をすること熱望する、~したいと思う
The company is doing very well. It has enjoyed increasing sales, has opened
3 new locations this year, and is very eager to open more.

drag on  だらだら長引く
This roof has been leaking for years, no matter how many times I've had
it repaired. I'm tired of this problem dragging on and on, so I've decided to solve it once and for all: I'm having a whole new roof put on.

once and for all   きっぱりと、これを最後に


木曜 22:30-23:00
土曜 17:30-18:00 (再)


