
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


7月18日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.2)、
「原発依存 段階的に下げ」という記事を取り上げました。


haphazard   場当たり的な、計画性のない
difficulty in planning for investment and recruitment
meltdown  炉心溶融
power pinch  電力不足
no one could have imagined  誰ひとりも想像できなかったであろう
off-line  停止中の
convincing solution  納得させる解答、説得力のある解決法
power conundrum   電力の難問
strive to do  ~するよう努める
idle-for-inspection reactor   定期検査で停止中の原子炉
in-house electricity generation   自家発電
make up for the power shortages   
make no reference to ~   ~に言及しない
invite accusations  非難を招く
close aide   親しい側近
cobble  取り繕う、間に合わせで仕上げる
on an ad hoc basis  場当たり的に、臨時に、特例として
shatter the myth   神話を崩す
imperative   避けられない
to be sure   確かに、もちろん
renewable energy  再生可能エネルギー
revamp  刷新する
multilateral  多角的な、複眼的な
from a range of perspectives   様々な視点から
work out  解決する
go hand in hand   緊密に関連して起こる、二人三脚で行う
stepped-up  (一層)拡大された
make considered judgments   熟慮の上で判断する
spent nuclear fuel   使用済み核燃料
be geared toward (/to)~  
preset conclusion  予め決まっている結論
vested interest  既得権益
smart grid  スマートグリッド(次世代送電網)
opt to do  ~するほうを選ぶ
throw away his toys  おもちゃを放り投げる
significant consequences  重大な結果
Trans-Pacific Partnership  環太平洋経済連携協定(TPP)
procrastination  先延ばし、引きのばすこと
practically  事実上
write off as third-rate  三流として問題にしない、三流と考える
political dysfunction   政治の機能不全
bring ~to its knees   ~を屈服させる、~を破綻させる


■ headache   頭痛、頭痛のたね、面倒な問題
Paying for college for a son or daughter is a four-year headache for many parents.

■ in-house  組織内の、社内の
It was fortunate that an in-house investigation revealed the accounting errors. We were able to deal with it without damaging our reputation.

 revamp 刷新する;修正する
The cancellations caused by the airline strike forced us to revamp our travel plans.

■ vested interests  既得の利益
You can’t expect to get an objective opinion from someone with vested interests such as his.

 seat at the table   交渉の席
Trade union representatives wanted to have seats at the table for the negotiations to make sure their interests would be heard.

opt   選ぶ、決める
We opted for a hotel upgrade and it was well worth the money. The room was much bigger and more comfortable.

 third-rate 三流の
The acting in the movie was terrible and the script not even third-rate.
一流の first-rate 
二流の second-rate  

■  bring ~to its knees   ~を屈服させる、~を破綻させる
Revelations of corruption brought the government to its knees.


