
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


Economy watchers see ‘jishuku’ constraint beginning to abate
6月13日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.5)、
「街角景気 自粛ムード緩む」という記事です。


abate  和らぐ
the pulse  動向
for the second-straight month  二カ月連続で
consumer confidence  消費者マインド、消費者態度
Cabinet Office  内閣府
index for current economic conditions  現状判断指数
Economy Watchers Survey  景気ウォッチャー調査(街角景気)
growth spurt  成長の改善幅
upgrade its overall view  (街角景気の)全体の判断を上方修正する
pick up  上向く、(景気が)よくなる
catastrophe   大災害
somber, downcast mood  重苦しい、意気消沈した雰囲気
jishuku, or empathy-filled self-restraint
 (voluntary restraint  自主規制 )
be on something of a spending spree  
buy up  買いまくる
light-emitting diode lamp  発光ダイオード(LED)電球
cut down on electricity use  電力使用を減らす
quadruple  4倍になる
run ahead of schedule  計画を先に行う、計画を前倒しする
(run on schedule  計画通りに行う)
(run behind schedule  計画に遅れている)
come summer   夏がきたら、夏の到来が (= When summer comes)
(come winter 冬がきたら)
resilience  回復力
in the immediate wake of the catastrophe  大災害の直後に
on par with ~   ~並に、~と同等の
the forward index of expected conditions two to three months ahead


(for) the (second-) straight (month)  連続(二カ月)(間)、二カ月連続で
(for) the first time in (five months)  5カ月ぶりに
A: This is incredible! Ever since Monday and continuously up till today, Saturday, this is the sixth-straight day we've had such heavy rain!
B: Yes, but it's supposed to end by noon. After that, they say we're to see the sun for the first time in a week.
A: Let's hope they're right.
A: こんなのは信じられん! 月曜日からずっと、連続して土曜の今日まで、ひどい大雨が六日も続くなんて。
B: ええ、でもお昼までには止むらしいです。その後、一週間ぶりに晴れるって。
A: そう期待しよう。

in turn  同様に、今度は
His computer sent the virus to his friends' computers, which in turn sent it on to THEIR friends' computers, and so on.

■ show signs of ~  ~のしるしを示す、~の兆しを見せる
Mr. Wellman has been top car salesman for five straight months and is showing no signs of slowing down. He has just received 10 new orders!

■ pick up  好転する、上向く、強まる、(スピードを)出す
A: How is business at your cafe these days?
B: It could be a lot better. In fact, if things don't pick up soon, I am thinking about closing shop and relocating.

After drifting several weeks in the mid-Atlantic in a tiny sailboat, the 3-man crew wondered if they were doomed. At long last, however, the wind finally picked up and allowed them to sail to a nearby island where they survived.

Be careful when driving down the mountain as your car will naturally pick up speed.

■ (one's) heart goes out to (someone) 
A: Poor David! First, the divorce. Then, the foreclosure on his mortgage!
B: Yes, my heart really goes out to him. I wish there were something we could do to help him.
A: かわいそうなデイビッド! まず、離婚。それから、自宅の差し押さえ!
B: そうだな、私は本当に彼に同情するよ。我々が彼を助けるためにできることが何かあればいいのにと思うが。

―― You the Listener ――

I just want to say how much the whole world feels for Japan for the suffering
from the massive earthquake in March. We are also so impressed with the generosity of the Japanese people for the safety of others during such a crisis. One of my close friends and colleagues, named Bob, was in Sendai when the tremblor hit. His Japanese interpreter made his safety paramount and guided him to seek shelter under a table and then get outside of the building to safety. She then took him into her home and kept him safe until transportation could be arranged for him to return to Tokyo and then eventually to the USA to the arms of his wife and daughters. We are all so grateful.



(私は全世界が3月の巨大地震で損害をうけたために日本に対しどれほど深く同情しているかだけは申し上げたいと思います。そのような危機の間に、他人の身の安全への日本人の寛大さにさらにも感激しました。私の親しい友人で同僚の一人は、ボブといいますが、地震が襲ったとき、仙台にいました。彼の日本人の通訳は彼の安全を優先して、彼をテーブルの下に逃げ込ませ、そして安全のためにその建物の外に出るよう導きました。それから彼女は彼を自宅に連れて行って、彼が東京に戻って、それからついにアメリカの妻子のもとに戻るため交通機関が手配されうるまで、彼を安全に保護しました。みんな大変感謝しています。 敬具)

