
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


Regional monopolies blocking flow of power
5月30日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.3)、

< キーワード、時事関連英語 >

monopoly   独占、独占企業
latent  潜在的な
power shortage  電力不足
on edge   ぴりぴりした
power sector 電力業界
sit on  持ってじっとしている、守る
 e.g. sit on an asset 資産を守る
in-house generating capacity 自家発電能力
to put it another way  別の言葉でいえば、言い換えれば
be equivalent to ~ ~に匹敵する、~に相当する
ample  十分な、豊富な
tap [V] 利用する、活用し始める
steelmaker 鉄鋼メーカー
petrochemical producer   石油化学メーカー
amount to~ ~に達する
it’s time for Tepco to make it clear ~  東京電力が~を明らかにすべき時だ
erupt  発生する、勃発する
paper mill 製紙工場
endeavor [V] ~しようと努める
boost the operation rates 稼働率を上げる
juice 電力
ostensible reason 表面上の理由、表向きの理由
spinoff   分離、(組織の)再編成
set the stage for~ ~のお膳立てをする
a bout of ~   ~の時期
deregulation  規制緩和
keep a tight grip on ~ ~を牛耳っている、~をしっかり握っている
grid 送電網
watt(s) 電力、ワット
compensation 賠償金


have (someone) on edge  (~を)ぴりぴり[不安に]させる
News that all lions have escaped from the zoo and are currently at large has everyone in town on edge.

at large とらわれないで、自由で

be on edge ぴりぴりしている
A: Jeff, are you going to be appointed next company presedent?
B: Well, I'd like to be but I'm a bit on edge at the moment because there are some strong rivals.

 sit on ~  ~を延期する、~の公表を遅らせる
Though Mr. Smith is perfectly eligible and has a perfect credit rating, the bank continues to sit on the decision as to whether or not to grant him his requested loan.

make ~ clear  ~を明らかにする
His wearing a black armband to his friend's wedding ceremony made it very clear that he was against the marriage.

set the stage for ~  ~のお膳立てをする、~の準備をする
It is thought that the company's new solar-powered washing machine will
set the stage for a new era in eco-friendly home appliances.

go through ~  ~を経る、~を経験する
A: A friend of mine has a dog that just had puppies. Would you like one?
B: No thanks! I had a dog once which I loved. But then it died and I was
broken hearted for months. I never want to go through THAT again.
いや結構だ! かわいがっていた犬をかつて飼っていた。でもそれから犬が死に、数か月間悲嘆に暮れた。決してもう二度とそんな経験をしたくない。

