
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


4月25日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』の社説(P.26)

― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

open up 開く、(率直に)打ち明ける
debacle 大失敗、大災害、大惨事
now that~ ~だから、~となっては
belatedly 遅ればせながら、遅まきに
raise the crisis rating 危険評価尺度を引きあげる
release more information on~ ~についてもっと情報を公開する
Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency 原子力安全・保安院
International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale
oversight body 監視団体
on (a) par with~ ~と同程度の、~に並ぶ、~と同等の
radioactive substances 放射性物質 (radioactive materials)
provisional 暫定的な、仮の
gravity of the crisis 危機の重大性
hydrogen explosion 水素爆発
reactor cooling system 原子炉の冷却機能
spent fuel 使用済み燃料
unprecedented 前例のない
reactor 原子炉
iodine ヨウ素
watchdog 監視機関、監視役
show signs of frustration 不満・失望感を見せている
disclosure of information 情報開示
regain the trust 信頼を取り戻す
20km radius exclusion zone 半径20キロ圏の立ち入り禁止区域
radiation levels 放射能レベル


now that ~  ~だから、~であるので

(outside the office door...)  (事務所入り口前で)
I told you to bring the office key with you! Well, now that you've forgotten it, you'll just have to go back and get it.
キミには事務所のカギを持参するように言っただろう! ではキミがそれを忘れた以上は、ちょっと戻ってそれを取ってきたまえ。

I'm sorry for inviting your ex-boss to the party. I didn't know you DISLIKE him. But now that I've invited him, I can't very well tell him not to attend.*
※ ... I can't very well tell him not to attend = it is impossible/extremely difficult, for me to tell him not to attend

belatedly (副詞)  遅ればせながら、遅まきに
belated (形容詞)  遅れた、遅れてくる

Happy Belated Birthday!  おそまきながら誕生日おめでとう!
= A Belated Happy Birthday (to you) !

underestimate  過小評価する、軽んじる

One should never underestimate one's adversaries.

show signs of ~  ~のしるしを示す

These tires are showing signs of heavy wear.

regain (the) trust   信頼を取り戻す

Once trust has been lost, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to regain IT.

―― You the Listener ――

★"Never give up your hope and never surrender to your emotions in times like these. IT WILL WORK OUT, IT WILL BE OK" Be strong and persevere." Ron,
Madison, Wisconsin

★We are watching here in America and praying for all of you in Japan. Our hearts rejoice when loved ones are united and also mourn when the outcome is not so good. Japan is a great nation and together with the help of America and other kind-hearted countries we hope to bring some comfort and peace to your lives.
In our prayers,

Middleton, WI. USA

