
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


4月4日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)、


pork spending   ばらまき予算、特定団体への支出
(waste spending)
fiscal year   会計年度
supplementary budget 補正予算
savage  痛めつける
constitutional provision   憲法の規定
secondary loss  二次損害、二次損失
disruption   混乱、途絶
several rounds of~   数次の~、数回の~
giveaway   給付、(プレゼントするような)無償援助
topping the hit list is~ その筆頭にあげられるのは~だ
the child-care allowance 子ども手当て
forgo (forwent, forgone ) ~なしで済ませる、見合わせる
income cap  所得制限、所得上限
trial run  実験、試行
toll-free expressway  通行料無料の高速道路
prune  切り詰める
tuition  授業料
outlay  支出、出費
be diverted to~    ~に回される、~に流用される
issue a fresh pile of debt  大量の新国債を発行する
parlous   危なっかしい、危険な
rein in   抑制する
tax hike   増税
stoke economic growth  経済成長を後押しする、経済成長をかきたてる
battered   激しく打ちのめされた、壊滅的にやられた
dubious   うさん臭い、疑わしい、怪しい
under the guise of~  ~を装って、~の名のもとに

■ reconstruction  再建、復興  (rebuilding)
Before reconstruction can begin in tsunami-hit areas, existing debris must first be cleared.

■ the extent of the damage  損害(被害)の大きさ、被害の全容
The extent of the damage in eastern Japan may never fully be known as many whole communities were completely washed away.

■ scrap / be scrapped   廃棄する/廃棄される;解体する/解体される
After the transmission had broken down in my old car, I decided not to pay for repairs but to scrap the car altogether.

■ tackle a challenge / a problem  難問/ 問題に取り組む
In whatever way they can, people worldwide wish to help Japan tackle the overwhelming challenges it now faces.

■ dubious  疑わしい、怪しい
Though some consider Senator Smith an honest, upstanding and hard-working statesman, others believe that he has attained office through his many
dubious connections.
At the company party, John was given the dubious award of "Lowest-Paid Employee of the Year".

―― You the Listener ――

☆We have all been so focused on the tragedies of Japan and are so heartbroken
for the loss of lives and the devastation of so many homes and businesses. I want the people of Japan to know that people around the world are sending thoughts of support to you. We know you are a strong and resilient people.
We know that you will recover. We share your grief.
Jackson, Wyoming

ワイオミング州ジャクソン市 メアリーさん

☆My name is Jaye, I am a Singer and Personal Assistant in New York City. My heart goes out to you as you process the great loss and upheaval of your lives. On Sept 11, 2001 I was comforted praying for the peace of the lost souls of that day. I pray now for your peace of you and your loved ones.

ジェイと申します。ニューヨークで歌手 兼 秘書をしております。あなたがたの生活の大きな喪失と大激変を癒す間、私の心はあなたがたに寄り添っています。2001年9月11日に私はその日の無くなった魂の平安のために祈りながら慰められました。私は今あなたがたとご家族の平安を祈ります。

