
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


3月14日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.3)、


scope  範囲、領域
tectonic shift 地殻変動、地殻構造の移動
fault  断層
in tatters めちゃめちゃになって、徹底的に
smash into~ 激突する、~を突きぬける、激しく打ち当たる
wreak havoc on ~ ~を混乱させる、めちゃくちゃにする
temblor 地震(earthquake,quake,tremor)
spawn 引き起こす、生じる
tectonic plate 構造プレート(ここでは「北米と太平洋プレート」)
seafloor 海底
fault line 断層線
coastline 海岸線
terrain 地勢、地形
outrun ~より速く走る、~から逃げる
sow 広める、誘発する、まき散らす
breach 突破する、破壊する
sea wall 護岸、岸壁、防波堤
levee 土手、堤防
drop a tsunami warning 津波警報を解除する


■ leave in tatters  ~を壊滅状態のままにする、~を徹底的にやっつける
The tornado left the town in tatters.   竜巻はその町をめちゃめちゃにした。

■ strike  襲う、襲撃する
When natural disasters strike, it's important to be prepared.

■ devastating  甚大な被害をもたらす、破壊的な、衝撃的な
People around the world have been shocked by the devastating news coming from northeastern Japan.

■ wreak havoc on ~  大混乱を引き起こす、~をだいなしにする
Many think that uprisings in the Middle East will wreak havoc on world markets.

■ (be) rocked by ~   ~に激しく揺さぶられる

■ be hit (hard by ~ )  (~に激しく)襲われる

■ outrun  ~より速く走る、~から逃げる
If you meet a bear in the forest, you should be still or move slowly away.
You cannot outrun a bear.

■ carry away  さらってゆく、持ち去る

―― You the Listener ――

★A sadness has filled me as I think of the tragedy your people have faced--and continue to face as the search for victims continues. I am inspired to hear of the care and cooperation that has been demonstrated in so many ways--by assisting in the search for survivors--by willfully cutting energy consumption--by any activity that can lift the burden as much as possible. I pray for you.
--Betty, ウイスコンシン州

★I remember 9/11/2001 vividly. Life stood still. The TV showed never-ending images of destruction that was hard to absorb. People were unable to laugh. As I watched the images of destruction in Japan this week, I knew that Life had stopped again. Life will start again. Things will get better. The strength of the Japanese people will cause this to happen. And someday soon, as things heal, you will be able to laugh again. People here are very concerned and wish you the best during this challenging time.
--Earl, ミネソタ州ミネアポリス市

★My family has been glued to the TV for the past 5 days. My heart breaks due to all of the loss and destruction Japan has experienced this week. Please know that our love and prayers will be directed your way in the days, weeks, months to come. I am sure that you will show the world how to recover from a natural disaster with grace and efficiency.
--Michelle, ワイオミング州ジャクソン市(教員)


―― 番組からのお詫び ――
Due to the earthquake last week, we changed our usual podcast release date from Friday to this Monday. Thank you for your understanding.

