
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


2月7日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.30)、


credit rating agency  格付け機関
Standard & Poor’s  スタンダード・アンド・プアーズ社
sovereign debt 公的債務・借入れ(国債)
assessment  評価
fiscal outlook 財政見通し
chain of fiscal and financial crises 財政・金融危機の連鎖
road map 行程表、道筋、指針
silver lining 光明、希望の兆し、怪我の功名
 →Every cloud has silver lining どんな不幸にも明るい面がある
downgrade 格下げ
fourth-highest rating 上から四番目の格付け
outlook for the rating is "stable"  格付けの見通しは「安定的」
should take the downgrade seriously  格下げを真剣に受け止めるべき
for a number of reasons いくつかの理由で
ratio of Japanese government debt to gross national product 
primary balance 基礎的財政収支
finance all of its expenditures  歳出をすべてまかなう
debt-servicing costs 借金の元利払いの費用
resolve 解決する
lingering deflation 長引くデフレ
social security expenses 社会保障費
on the table  検討中の
another troubling aspect  もう一つの気になる面
cast doubt on ~  ~に疑問を呈する、~に疑いを抱かせる
determination   決意
address   取り組む
at stake   問題になって、(賭けたものが取られる)危機に瀕して
hung parliament   ねじれ国会
safe assets   安全資産
ease the issuance of bonds   国債の発行を容易にする
by the time ~  ~のときまでには
too late to avoid the gravest consequences  
skyrocket   急上昇する
incur   被る
vicious cycle   悪循環
woe  苦痛、災難
someone else's problem  他人事、対岸の火事
sense of crisis  危機感
revolt  反乱を起こす


■ take ~ seriously   ~を真剣に考慮する、~を深刻に受け止める
■ fail to (do ~ )   (~し)ない、 (~し)そこなう
■ It is unlikely (that ~ )   (~とは)考えられない、(~ということは)ありそうもない
■ lead to ~   ~に至る
■ address (one's/the, etc) problem(s)  (人の/その)(諸)問題に取り組む
■ given that ~   ~を考慮すれば、~とすれば
■ by the time A (does ~ )  Aが(~する)時までには
■ someone else's problem   他の誰かの問題、他人事、対岸の火事
■ tackle (one's) problem(s)  (人の)(諸)問題に取り組む

―― 会話 ――

Mr. Clark: Jeff, your shoes are all wet. Have you been walking around in the water fountain outside?

Jeff: I wish I had. Actually, I had a major crisis at home this morning, which all started with a leaky water pipe.

Mr. Clark: What happened?

Jeff: Well, the leaky pipe led to water buildup above my ceiling, which led to water dripping into my living room yesterday, which led to a total collapse of the ceiling this morning!

Mr. Clark: Is that right?! But given that you noticed the leak yesterday, didn't you try to tackle the problem then? You might have avoided the whole mess.
そうなのかい?! でもキミが昨日その水漏れに気付いたとすれば、その時にその問題に対処しようとしなかったのかい? キミはそのめちゃめちゃな状態を避けられたかもしれないのに。

Jeff: Well, it's unlikely that I could have fixed it myself. And, I did tell my landlord about it right away, but he routinely fails to address problems until after it's too late. Sure enough, he didn't take me seriously, and even seemed to suggest it was someone else's problem! Can you believe it?
まあ、自分でそれを修理することができたはずないんじゃないかな。それに、すぐに大家さんに話しましたが、でも決まって遅すぎて問題に対処しないんです。案の定、彼は私を真剣に相手にしなくて、さらにまるで他人事のようにいわれちゃった! 信じられます?

Mr. Clark: So, back to this morning, what happened after the ceiling collapsed?

Jeff: Oh, then the water REALLY started pouring in! By the time the plumber arrived, I was standing in 5 inches of water! In my living room! And my landlord was nowhere to be found!
あぁ、それから水がザッと流れ込み始めました! 配管工が到着するまでに、5インチの高さの水にひたってました! 居間で、ですよ! それに大家さんはどこにも見当たりませんでした!  

Mr. Clark: Then obviously, when it comes to fixing things, I would say that your landlord is not the type who likes to get his feet wet.


