
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English



―― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

have a tendency to~ ~する傾向がある
get the problem right 問題を正しく把握する
come up with~ ~を思いつく、考え出す
in reference to~ ~に関係して
define the problem 問題を定義する、問題を明らかにする
move on to solutions 解決に動く、解決に近づく
a rash of~ ~の多発、頻発
promotion 昇進
common corporate language 企業内共通語
stagnate 停滞する
human resource development 人材育成、人材開発
blanket rule 包括的なやり方、すべてに有効な(例外のない)規則
headquarters 本部、本社
make the right decision 適切な決定をする
have the experience of living abroad 海外在住経験がある
extensive process 長期にわたる過程
intake 採用(者数)
sideline 脇に追いやる、主流から外す
chase jobs 職を探し回る、仕事探しに躍起になる
conformity 適合、順応、一般的な行動
flexibility 柔軟性
diversity 多様性


■ force ~ on (someone)   (人)に~を押しつける、(人)に~を強いる
■ get ~ wrong / right  ~を間違って理解する、~を正しく理解する
■ come up with ~   ~を提案する、~を考え出す
■ move on to ~  ~に進む、~に移る
■ be quick/slow to do ~   ~するのが素早い/遅い
■ (be) centered around ~  ~に集中して(いる)
■ point out ~   ~を指摘する
■ make the right/wrong decision   正しい/間違った決定をする
■ a move in the right direction   正しい方向への動き

―― 会話 ――

Jeff: (to himself, reading an email) ... Ha, I knew it.

Mr.Clark: You knew what?

Jeff: Oh, Mr. Clark. I didn't see you there. I was just reading this e-mail from John Shelby.

Mr.Clark: John Shelby, who used to be with us?

Jeff: That's the one. He says he definitely made the wrong decision to quit our company and start working for Company X.

Mr.Clark: I could've told him that.

Jeff: And I tried to, but he wouldn't listen. Anyhow, he says he's tired of coming up with good ideas, suggesting them at company meetings, and then having them ignored. In fact, he says they're not really "meetings" but more like company gatherings centered around the CEO. Apparently, the CEO forces his wild ideas on everyone present, and is very quick to stifle good ideas when they're suggested.

Mr.Clark: Yes, I have met the CEO of Company X and know several others who are quick to point out his authoritarian tendencies. That aside, I'm not so sure that Shelby should stay with them -- if their situation doesn't improve soon, they'll be filing for Chapter 11*. Perhaps he should move on to another company.

Jeff: That's his plan, but he's taking his time to look at all the options before he makes a move. This time, he says he wants to get it right.

Mr.Clark: Well, if you ask me, any move OUT of Company X is a move in the right direction.


*if you ask me, ~ = in my opinion, ~ 

*Chapter 11 -- a type of "protection" & financial resructuring under US financial law when a company is in bankruptcy.

