
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English




bow to ~に従う、~に服従する
have second thoughts 考え直す、再考する
rebut 反論する、対抗する、退ける
take a united stand 立ち向かう、連携した立場をとる
fall under the scope of ~ ~の範囲に入る、~の範疇だ
security pact 安全保障条約(安保条約)
adding to~ ~に加えて
pique いらだち、不興、対立
transpire 生じる、起こる
be on the defensive 守勢にまわる、積極性に欠ける
since antiquity 古来
one's take on ~ ~についての見解、意見
distort ゆがめる、歪曲する
gas field ガス田
resumption 再開
harden 硬化する、頑固になる
set the tone その場の雰囲気をつくる、主導権を握る
lay the groundwork for~ ~の下準備をする、~の基礎を築く
back off 後退する、やめる、撤回する
at the last minute 最後の瞬間に、まぎわになって、土壇場になって
in light of~ ~を考慮して、~を踏まえて
be rife はびこる、広まる
show resolve 決意を示す
deflect criticism 批判をそらす
rapprochement 親交回復、親善、歩み寄り


have second thoughts (about ~ )   (~について)再考する
(one's) take (on ~ )  (~についての)(人の)見解
set the tone  主導権を握る、その場の雰囲気をつくる
back off  やめる、撤回する
at the last minute  土壇場に、最後の瞬間に、まぎわに
in light of ~  ~を考えて、~に照らして

―― メール ――

(an e-mail to Mr. Clark... )
Dear Mr. Clark,

Hello from Shanghai. I just wanted to let you know that there has been a complication regarding our contract proposal with Company A. Initially, after hearing my presentation, they seemed all set to sign but then they said that they needed a few days to look over the details once more. I said "sure" but I had to wonder if they were having second thoughts.

Well, it is now my last day here and I have just had another meeting with them. At the last minute, they have thrown in some new conditions but I'm not sure we can accept them. (Please see attached file for details.)

Your advice as to what I should do will be much appreciated!



(Mr. Clark's reply... )

Dear Jeff,

Do NOT sign the contract with their new conditions but cancel your flight
back home and stay in the game! We can't afford to back off now!

Here's my take. In light of their history of doing business, I would say they are just testing us.
Now is the time for you to set the tone. You need to wine & dine them at some expensive restaurants, and they will come around to our original terms.

Awaiting positive results,

Gregory Clark

<要旨>彼らの新たな条件で契約に署名してはならぬ。キミの帰りの便を取り消して、この勝負を諦めるな! 今やめる余裕はない!
(Jeff's reply ...)

Dear Mr. Clark,

OK. (gulp)




