
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


10月18日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』の一面トップ、



term  用語、言い方
oft-used catchall   しばしば使われる「代名詞」 
pop culture sensation   ポップカルチャーの評判
cosplay  コスプレ
toilet 便器 (cf. お手洗い bathroom)
fatigue-reducing  疲れをやわらげる
pain-free needle  痛くない注射針
fit the bill  目的にぴったり合う、必要を満たしている
expand the definition  定義をひろげる
draw on ~   ~に頼る、~を利用する
meticulousness   繊細さ、細部へのこだわり
lie behind   背後にある、支える
take ~ for granted    ~を当然のことと思う
attention to detail   細部への気配り、細部への関心
associate Japan with ~   日本を~と連想する
Nomura Research Institute   野村総合研究所
jibe with these preconceptions   こうした先入観と一致する
take a little while   多少の時間がかかる
snickering   くすくす笑い
word of the tights’ benefits  タイツの効用の口コミ
of all stripes  あらゆる種類の
rake in  荒稼ぎする、大もうけする
stateside sales  米国本国での売上げ
Terumo Corp.  テルモ
hypodermic needle   皮下注射の針
Okano Industrial Corp.   岡野工業
end    先端
root   根元
stretch stainless steel tubes  ステンレスのパイプを引き延ばす
roll a fan-shaped stainless steel sheet  扇型のステンレスを丸める
a tapered shaft   先細の軸
take the sting out of shots  注射から刺す痛みをとる
less of a chore  大した手間でない、苦にならない
catch   裏の問題点、欠陥 ex. Catch-22 わな 
turn ~ out  生産する、作り出す
on the verge of ~   ~寸前の、いまにも~しようとして


■ quirky   奇抜な、一風変わった
■ fit the bill   要求を満たす、期待にぴったり合う
■ word spreads / word begins to spread  
■ (people) of all stripes   すべての種類の人々
■ rake in ~  ~をかき集める、荒稼ぎする
■ be keen to (do ~ )  (~することに)熱心である、~したく思っている
■ the catch   問題点
■ be on the verge of ~  ~寸前である、今にも~しようとしている

―― 会話 ――
Jeff: (on the phone) Well, let me think about it. I'm really keen on seeing something first, though. Then we can talk about money. ... OK. Good-bye. (hangs up)

Mr. Clark: Who was that, Jeff?

Jeff: A very quirky inventor friend of mine. He says he's on the verge of perfecting some great new invention. In fact, he says it will fit the bill for people who wish to go anywhere anytime. He calls it the "FlyPad".

Mr. Clark: The WHAT-pad??

Jeff: Flypad. It's a kind of "PFD", as he calls it.

Mr. Clark: "PFD"??

Jeff: Yes. Personal Flying Device. Apparently, it's about the size of a seat cushion. You sit on it, give vocal commands, and ... it flies you anywhere you want to go.

Mr. Clark: That's preposterous!

Jeff: That's what I said. But he just laughs & says that when he gives his first public demonstration,word will spread quickly, people of all stripes & nationalities will want one, and then he'll be raking in billions. But first, he says he needs to work out a few bugs.

Mr. Clark: And you believe him? Have you actually seen this thing?
キミは彼を信じているのかい? 実際これを見たことがあるのかい?

Jeff: Well, no, not yet. Here's the catch: he lost his first prototype & needs more money to make another --or so he says.

Mr. Clark: How did he lose it?

Jeff: Apparently, he had his wife test-pilot it last week. She flew off somewhere and never came back.

※ 架空の設定です。


『脇役物語/Cast Me If You Can』

