
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


9月27日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.1)、


row   けんか、紛争
host seat  非常に困った立場、非常に苦しい立場
diplomatic turbulence   外交上の騒乱(外交上の乱気流)
sensitive  微妙な、扱いにくい
be put in doubt   疑問が投げかけられる、疑問視される
Senkaku Islands   尖閣諸島
East China Sea  東シナ海
ratchet up pressure   圧力を一段と強める
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao   温家宝・中国首相
do just that  その通りにする(釈放する)
could have been done   ~することができたであろう
detain for questioning  聴取のためこう留する
diplomatic row   外交紛争、外交騒動
cast a shadow over ~  ~に影を投げかける
thorny problem  厄介な問題、複雑な問題
breakthrough  打開策、(行き詰まり状態からの)進展
on the horizon  差し迫って、兆しが見えて
adamant   強硬な、断固たる
neither side  どちらの側も~しない
maritime issue  海事問題
apparent reference to ~   ~への明白な言及
Japan Coast Guard  海上保安庁
ram   激突する
uninhabited islet  無人島
claim   権利(領有権)を主張する
on suspicion of ~   ~の容疑で
interfere with   ~を妨害する
free   解放する
call off, or at least postpone  中止するか、少なくとも延期する
counter  反論する、反駁する
in accordance to ~   ~に従って
take up ~   ~を取りあげる
countermeasure   対抗措置
blame ~ for ~   ~について~の責任をとがめる
cross-border tension  国境を越える緊張
onus    責任
spur-of-the-moment   衝動的なこと、はずみでなされたこと
raise the stakes  利害関係をまき起こす、緊張を高める
take a sudden turn  突然の展開をみせる、急に曲がる
skipper  船長
out of consideration for ~  ~を考慮して、~に免じて
lead prosecutor   次席検事
early hours   未明、朝早い時間
Fujian Province 福建省
discretion   判断、決定権


put ~ in doubt    ~を疑問視する
be about to (be / do ~ )   今にも~しようとしている
be on the horizon   明らかになりつつある、差し迫っている
call off (a meeting / talks, etc)   (会合/会談等)を中止する
counter (that ~ / with ~ )    (~と/~に)反論する
take up (the issue / the matter, etc)   (その争点/問題等)を取り上げる
take a (sudden / interesting, etc) turn   (突然の/興味深い)方向転換をする、急に曲がる
spur of the moment  はずみでなされた、衝動的なこと

―― メール ――

To: Gregory Clark, CEO
Subject: Update

Dear Mr. Clark:

I am sending you this email to update you on recent developments here at the office while you have been away.

First, our negotiations with Company A have taken an interesting turn. On Monday, they said they could offer no better price than the one they had originally quoted. I then decided to call their bluff by saying that while I understood their situation, we nevertheless would probably be calling off all future meetings with them. At this, they looked nervous and said they would take the issue up with their CEO and get back to me promptly. Well, the very next day, they countered with a much more attractive price.

Meanwhile, positive developments also seem to be on the horizon with Company B. As you know, they were not going to renew their contract with us and were about to sign with our rival, Company X. Well, apparently, their CEO had a meeting with some fortune-teller, and, on the spur of the moment, changed his mind. They're now going to renew with us AND double their orders!

On the not-so-positive side, the office coffee machine is broken again.
I tried to fix it, but I don't seem to have succeeded -- the coffee now
tastes a bit like tomato juice. However, though my repair skills have been put in doubt, I shall be making another attempt tomorrow.

Hope you're having a good trip and see you in a few days.


call a person’s bluff   はったりと見て挑戦する、人の手を公開させる
bluff<動> はったりでだます
<例> My friend said he has 7 cars and 3 houses, but I think he's bluffing.

the very next day  まさにその翌日


