
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


8月30日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.32)、


entice 誘う、気を引く
stream into~ ~に流れ込む
parking lot  駐車場
enjoy oneself 楽しむ
poke through ~   ~を物色する、~を探し回る
take a snapshot of ~ ~のスナップ写真を撮る
iconic  象徴的な、アイコン的な
cone-shaped  円錐形の
in response to~ ~に応えて、~に対応して
in a bid to~ ~しようとして、~を目的として
Qin Shi Huang  秦の始皇帝
emissary 使節、 密使、使者
in pursuit of~  ~を求めて、~を追求して
elixir of immortality  不老不死の霊薬
move forward with~  ~を進める、~に前向きに取り組む
sophomore 大学2年生
take part in~  ~に参加する
winery  ワイン醸造所
grassroots-level  草の根レベルの、地道な


■ entice   誘う
■ enjoy (oneself) = have a good time / have fun 
  楽しむ、愉快に過ごす = 楽しい一時を過ごす / おもしろく遊ぶ、楽しむ
■ poke through ~  ~(のあちこち)を物色する
■ stir interest in ~  ~への興味[関心]をひき起こす
■ in pursuit of ~   ~を追求して
■ spread the word (about ~ )   (~について)うわさを広める、話を広める

―― 会話 ――

Mr.Clark: Jeff, don't spread the word yet but I'm thinking of organizing an informal get-together for employees the Sunday after (this) next. And, I was wondering if I could entice you to help out with the promise that you'd enjoy yourself to the fullest?

Jeff: Hmmm, that sounds tempting. Ummm ... sure. What's the occasion?

Mr.Clark: Well, I was poking through some old records at home the other day, and I realized that people (today) just don't listen to good music anymore. I mean, in pursuit of the newest and the trendiest, people have forgotten what really good music is!

Jeff: Ah, so you'd like to stir their interest in the "classic songs of yesteryear", or something like that?

Mr.Clark: Exactly! We could play all my old records, and maybe have a karaoke contest, with all the old great songs! Wouldn't that be fun?!
その通りだ! 私の古いレコードもかけられるし、もしかすると昔の素晴らしい歌でカラオケのコンテストを催すことだってできる! 楽しくなると思わない?!

Jeff: Ummm, yeah. So like, what songs for example?

Mr.Clark: Oh, YOU know -- that one called "Love is whatchamacallit". And that other big hit! Ahhh, what was it called again? Ummm, YOU know!
ほら、知ってるだろう――「愛は……ナントカカントカ」って曲だよ。そして大ヒットしたもう一曲! ああ、なんというんだっけ? えー。キミなら知ってる!

Jeff: Hmmm, not sure. How does it go?

Mr.Clark: Oh, come on! You know it! It goes like this: "Some enchanted evening..."
ぜったい、知ってるよ! それを知ってるさ! こう始まる:「魅惑の宵……」


