
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


7月12日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.27)、


statesman 政治家 cf. politician 政治家、政治屋
power transition 権力移行
elation 高揚感、大得意、盛り上がり
backfire 裏目に出る、しっぺ返しを食らう
lose an economic war 経済戦争に負ける
high-profile 人目をひく、異彩をはなつ、目立った
switch positions 入れ替わる、立場を変える
overpower 圧倒する
military might 軍事力
gain the upper hand 優位に立つ、優勢である
overtake 追い抜く、上回る
senior official 政府高官
compete with~ ~と張り合う、競争する
size of the economy 経済規模
in this sense この意味では、この点に関しては
pretty words 美辞麗句、きれいごと
rhetoric ことばのあや、美辞麗句
decision-making 意思決定の、政策決定の
in other words 言いかえれば
fair election 公正な選挙
reliable 信頼できる
self-confident 自信のある
keep on talking しゃべり続ける
be put out 気分を害する
Communist Party of China 中国共産党
deepen economic ties 経済的なつながりを強める
push aside わきへのける、重要視しない
come true 実現する、本当のことになる


■ backfire   裏目に出る、逆効果となる
■ gain the upper hand    優勢になる、~を抑える
■ be overpowered (by ~ )   (~に)圧倒される、負かされる
■ as long as ~    ~する限りは、~する間
■ be put out/off   不快にされる、気分を害する、うんざりさせられる
■ deal with ~   ~に対処する、~と取引をする
■ be pushed aside   除外される、わきへのけられる

Mr.Clark: Jeff, have you seen the paper? I'm wondering what's happening with Company X's takeover bid for Company Y.
ジェフ、新聞をみたか? X社によるY社の株式公開買い付けでなにが起こっているかと思っているんだ。

Jeff: The paper's right here, and the takeover bid backfired.

Mr.Clark: Backfired?!

Jeff: Yes. Apparently, Company X's initial proposal was way too low, which people at Company Y were rather put out by.

Mr.Clark: I read that last week, yes. So what happened in their meeting yesterday?

Jeff: Evidently, the people from Company X didn't change their offer much, threatened to buy up a majority of company stock, and were constantly trying to gain the upper hand in negotiations, so Company Y finally walked out. According to their spokesman, they "simply refuse to deal with people who do business in this way."

Mr.Clark: Hmmm. Sounds like a hostile takeover attempt.

Jeff: Yeah. I wonder if we'd be safe from something like that?

Mr.Clark: Don't worry, Jeff. As long as I'm CEO, we will NOT be overpowered or pushed aside ... depending on how much the offer were, of course.

Jeff: ... What?


