
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


6月14日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)、


total fertility rate  「合計特殊出生率」(全体の出生率)
lifetime  一生、生涯
the upward trend 上昇傾向
outcome  結果
shrinking population  人口減少
ominous  不吉な
hefty  かなりの、強い
women of childbearing age  出産適齢の女性
natural population decrease 人口の自然減
maintain vigor  活力を維持する
baby boomer  ベビーブームに生まれた子、団塊世代の人
take bold steps  大胆な施策(措置)をとる
create an environment  環境を創る
become willing to have children  子どもをもつ気持ちになる
child-rearing allowance 子ども手当(育児手当)
subsidy  補助金
bolster the balance sheets of recipient households  受給世帯の家計を支える
small financial lift  少しばかりの家計の手助け
stable employment  安定雇用
municipality-authorized day-care center  自治体認可の保育所(託児所)
highlight  焦点を当てる
look after  世話をする
after-school hours  放課後の時間
work-life balance  ワーク・ライフ・バランス(仕事と生活の調和)
keep house  家事を切り盛りする


■ contend with ~  ~と取り組む、~に対処する
■ a sense of urgency  切迫感
■ in years to come これから何年かの間に
■ feel assured of ~ ~について安心する
■ make ends meet  家計を(赤字を出さずに)まかなう、収入内で暮らす
■ address this issue  この問題に対処する


Romantic Story ☆part two

He. Noriko-san, now that we are planning marriage, we have to contend with some important issues.

She. Really? Like what?
本当に? どのような?

He. Well, like where will we live, who pays the rent and so on - you seem to lack a sense of urgency in these matters. In the years to come we will have to contend with even more important problems - money to pay for our childrens' education etcetera. My income is quite low.

She. You are a capable person. I am sure that somehow you will be able to earn enough to make ends meet. I feel assured of our future.

He. Maybe. But we should address these issues now. Later could be too late.


