
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


5月10日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(一面)、


shiver 揺るがす、ばたつかせる
debacle   崩壊、暴落
reverberate   反響する、響く
key currencies   基軸通貨
disarray   混乱、無秩序
play havoc with ~   ~を混乱させる、~を台無しにする
share prices   株価
tumble   急落する、暴落する
surge against ~    (通貨が)~に対して高くなる、急騰する
fiscal woes   財政難
financial health    財政健全、良好な財政状態
exposure   国債を保有する額、損失の可能性
in turn   今度は、同様に
erode market confidence  市場の信頼を損なう
rally  回復、持ち直し 
by expectations of economic recovery   景気回復を期待して
be susceptible to a correction  調整しやすい
gauge  基準、標準、範囲
bail  立ち去る
downside    下落傾向
bleak   (見通しが)暗い
lock in profits   (株の)利益を確定する
be unlikely to do   ~しそうにもない
double dip   二番底
rough day   大変な一日、荒れた一日
plunge to ~   ~に急落する
for the time being  しばらくは、当分
be willing to ~   ~する気がある
take on ~   ~を負う、~を引き受ける、~に挑戦する
in light of ~  ~を踏まえて、~から見て
unwind   解き放す、外す
greenback    ドル
fiscal turmoil   財政の混乱
spread to ~ ~にまで広がる
bold   大胆な、力強い
alleviate   軽減する、和らげる
pessimism   悲観論、悲観的な見方
funding support   資金支援
the euro’s depreciation  ユーロ安


■ shiver ~  ~を震撼させる 
cf. give a person the shivers 人をぞっとさせる

ex. One day when I was in elementary school, I opened my lunchbox and found my lunch completely covered with thousands of ants! Just thinking of that story gives me the shivers.
小学校のころのある日、弁当箱をあけると、弁当が何千びきものアリですっかりうじゃうじゃしているのを見つけた! そのことを思い出すだけでぞっとする。 

■ be susceptible to ~ ~の影響を受けやすい、~にかかりやすい
(⇔ be protected against ~  ~から守られている)

ex. People who constantly lack sleep and exercise are very susceptible to colds and other illnesses.

■ bail  立ち去る

ex. Though we had paid a small deposit, when we found out what the entire
European tour package would cost, we decided to bail on it.

■ should   万一(~なら)

ex. Should you have any questions or concerns at all, don't hesitate to give me a call.
(Should you have ... = If you should have ... = If you have ... )

■ on the other hand,   他方では、これに対して

ex. During my adventures in Africa, I was chased by elephants, attacked by lions, kidnapped by warlords, and lost all my money. On the other hand, it was exciting, a great learning experience, and gave me opportunity to meet a beautiful woman, who later became my wife. I'm going back there next week.

■ be unlikely to (do ~ )  (~し)そうもない

ex. As there is currently a shortage of educational facilities, Mr Black's proposal to tear down the high school and build a gambling casino is unlikely to receive any support at all at the next district assembly meeting.

■ a rough day  荒れた一日 (= a tough day ; a hard day つらい一日)

ex. You'd better not bother him with anything right now. He's had a rough day at the office and needs to unwind.

■ in light of ~  ~を考えて
(= in consideration of ~  ~を考慮して) 
ex. Though we normally don't hire people without at least some experience, we've decided to make an exception in your case in light of your outstanding scholastic record.

■ closely monitor 注意深く監視する
(⇔ loosely monitor  ゆるく監視する)

