
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


3月8日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.32)、
「高速無料化 集客へ全速」という記事です。


toll-free  (通行料)無料の
rev up  活気づける、勢いづく
\\1000-cap-toll  料金上限1000円
trunk road  幹線道路
day-tripper  日帰り旅行客
hot-spring inn  温泉旅館
remodeling  改装、改築
a fourth consecutive annual increase  4年連続の増加
influx of tourists  旅行客が足を運んでくること
stand in long lines  長蛇の列をつくる
make dreams come true  夢をかなえさせる
all-time low  史上最低、過去最低
adjacent city  近隣の市、隣町
brochure  パンフレット
case in point  ぴったりの例、適例
(can) have close contact with  ~と親しく触れあえる
tip  端
lowbrow gourmand  B級グルメ
limelight  注目の的
history buff  歴史通
congregate  集まる
trek  (長くつらい)旅
venue   会場
owing to ~  ~のおかげで、~のために
serial drama   連続ドラマ
historical figure   歴史上の人物



■ have a(n)/the ~ effect  ~の影響を及ぼす、影響を与える
■ watch out for ~  ~を見はる、~に注意する
■ (be) worth (do)ing  ~(をするに)値する、~(をする)価値がある
■ those  人々
 →those who do something/are something  ~する人、~である人
■ hit an all-time high/low   過去最高/最低記録を更新する
■ see ~ as an opportunity to (do ~ )  ~を(~をする)好機とみなす

―― 会話 ――

Mr. Clark: Is that today's paper? What are you reading? The horoscope section?
それは今日の新聞か? 何を読んでいるのだ? 星占い欄か?

Jeff: Yeah, but it's not very interesting.

Mr. Clark: What does yours say?

Jeff: For Scorpio? Ummm, it's not really worth reading.
さそり座ですか? うーん、それはあまり読む価値がないです。

Mr. Clark: Read it anyway. I'd like to hear.

Jeff: ... OK. "Watch out for those above you, but do not try to impress them. It will have the opposite effect. Instead, it's time to work less and play more, and maybe finally take that long holiday you deserve ..."

Mr. Clark: That's enough! It's definitely not worth reading! ... By the way, what does mine say? I'm a Taurus?
もういい! 確かに読む価値がない! ……ところで、私のはどうだ? おうし座かな?

Jeff: Ahhh, here it is. "The time has come to reward those around you. You must see their hard work as an opportunity to promote them. If not, both your work life and love life will hit an all-time low”.

Mr. Clark: OK! Stop! Who believes in that crazy stuff anyway? What kind of people would read that?

わかった! もういい! とにかく誰がそんなくだらないことを信じるのだ? どんなヤツがそれを読みたいと思うか?

