
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


5月26日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)、社説を取り上げました。
―― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

workplace  仕事場、職場
provoke 引き起こす、かき立てる
substantial  相当な、かなりの
demographic 人口統計上の
nursing-care 介護の
keep its doors closed    その門戸を閉じたままにしておく
manual worker   単純労働者、肉体労働者  cf. manual labor  肉体労働
certification 認証、検定、認可
pools of labor  労働要員、労働の人材
motherhood   母であること
senior workers (worker)   高齢労働者
job-hopping “freeter”   職を転々とかえる“フリーター”
  ※ freeterは、free (自由な) と、ドイツ語のarbeiter (労働者) から成る和製英語
fill vacancies   欠員(空き)を補充する、穴を埋める
remedy   改善策、救済策
integration  (日本社会への)融合  
Brazilians of Japanese origin  日系ブラジル人
stray into crime   犯罪に迷い込む
abuse  悪用
Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy  経済財政諮問会議
woo   懇願する、招く
corporate culture  企業文化、社風

5月26日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』の社説から「使える英語」を紹介しています。

gloomy  暗い、悲観的な 
a chorus of calls   要求(主張)の合唱
feel the pinch   苦しみを味わう、辛さを実感する
acute shortage  深刻な不足
in principle   原則として、大体において
the priority should be on ~  最優先すべきは~である
the failure to provide ~   ~を提供することを怠る

―― ビジネス会話 ――

Jeff: Noriko, are you still planning on buying a car?

Noriko: I'm not sure anymore. The price of gasoline just keeps going up! Do you think it'll stop?
(もうわからないわ。ガソリンの値段がちょうど上がり続けているし! 値上がりが収まると思う?)

Jeff: Well, the outlook is gloomy. In principle, you'd think there was an acute shortage of oil, but I'm not so sure that's true. In any case, it's getting hard to find anyone who's not feeling the pinch.

Noriko: Yes, in Japan too. So, what do you think people can do?

Jeff: Well, the priority should be on developing and implementing alternative fuels & energy sources, for which there has been a chorus of calls. The national and state governments, however, have been very late in answering these calls.

Noriko: So, the failure to provide people with alternative energy is the government's failure?

Jeff: To a large extent, I think it is. After all, the Bush administration is
well-connected to big oil business, so I guess there are people up there who are getting rich and don't really want anything to change.


Noriko: Hmmm. That IS a gloomy outlook.

Jeff: Yes, BUT… I AM predicting sunnier weather … starting next year.

Noriko: Ah, you mean, with the next president?

Jeff: Exactly.


