
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


英検 Presents Let's Read the Nikkei in English
記事は「Nikkei Asian Review  ( http://asia.nikkei.com/ )」(日本経済新聞社)から    

Greater Beijing economic zone idea gains memntum (「中国で浮上する大首都圏構想」  http://asia.nikkei.com/magazine/20140522-Unlocking-India/Markets/Greater-Beijing-economic-zone-idea-gains-momentum )

Modi government must push bold economic reform (「インドの次期政権は経済改革を大胆に」 http://asia.nikkei.com/magazine/20140522-Unlocking-India/Viewpoints/Modi-government-must-push-bold-economic-reform )

Manufacturers turning away from OLED TVs (「有機ELテレビ暗雲、パナソニック、量産先送り」  http://asia.nikkei.com/magazine/20140522-Unlocking-India/Business/Manufacturers-turning-away-from-OLED-TVs  ☆注目記事 )

  < 注目記事の時事英語・経済関連英語など >

turn away from...   ~に背を向ける、~から転じる
OLED TV   有機ELテレビ
promise   将来性、有望さ
mainstream successor   主流の後継機、本命の後継者
LCD TV   液晶テレビ
lose favor   人気を失う
take one's toll   損失をもたらす、打撃を与える
liquid crystal display   液晶画面、液晶ディスプレイ
postpone mass production   量産化を先送りする
bendable   曲げられる
organic light-emitting diode   有機発光ダイオード(OLED)
joint development   共同開発
dissolve the partnership   提携を解消する
lower production costs   生産コストを引き下げる
major setback   大きな失敗、主要な妨げ、主な挫折
enjoy an industry-leading share   業界トップのシェアを誇る
return to the black   黒字に戻る
account for...    ~を占める
leverage its brand appeal   そのブランド力を利用する
reassign    再配置する、転任させる
spin off     分離独立する
slash labor expenses     人件費を削減する
scrap     廃止する、取りやめる

※ bells and whistles  付属品、(お金のかかる)オプション機能    



2012年度 第2回英検  1級1次試験 筆記試験から

The history society called a (   ) meeting to approve changes to its constitution. Every one of its 500 members was asked to attend.
1. plenary   2.covetous   3.desultory  4.surreptitious

ヒント 選択肢にある4つの単語について、番組独自に作成した例文で使い方を学びましょう。

1. plenary As a member of this council, you will be expected to take part in monthly regional meetings, and one plenary conference every December in Tucson, Arizona.

2. covetous Mrs. Reynold's new emerald necklace drew covetous looks from all the other women at the reception.

3. desultory The prime minister's attempts to revive the economy have been described as half-hearted and desultory by his critics.

4. surreptitious Though the mayor claims there was nothing surreptitious about his "discrete borrowing" from city funds, it is doubtful that anyone believes him.


The history society called a (   ) meeting to approve changes to its constitution. Every one of its 500 members was asked to attend.
1. plenary   2.covetous   3.desultory  4.surreptitious

解答  plenary



Jeff の挨拶
If you listen to our program regularly, your friends and peers will be covetous of your English ability!


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『英検 Presents Let's Read the Nikkei in English』 で取り上げる記事は「Nikkei Asian Review  ( http://asia.nikkei.com/ )」(日本経済新聞社)から。
放送日の日経夕刊2面「Step Up ENGLISH」に番組の注目記事が掲載されています。


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