
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


THE NIKKEI WEEKLY (July 22 / P.27)
Univ. of Tokyo economists differ on impact of BOJ's moves 


 opinion pieces carried by The Nikkei   日本経済新聞に掲載された寄稿論文
 established    定評のある 
 contrasting view  対照的な見解
 encourage a full-on debate about ...   ~に関する全面的な(事実上の)論争を促す
 back-to-back contributions   連続した寄稿
"Economics Classroom" column  「経済教室」欄
 morning edition    朝刊
 commentator   解説者
 over the years   何年にもわたり
 mentioned as a candidate to become its governor or deputy governor
 the BOJ's policy board   日銀審議委員
 a few years above them  彼らの数年先輩
 be on good terms with ...  ~と仲が良い
 assessment     評価
 it is fair to say that ... ~といってよい
 move in the right direction 正しい方向に進む
 movements in interest rates, which constitute its core transmission channel
 differ most notably on ...   ~の点で最も顕著に違う
 premature to brand Kuroda's easing program as a failure
 investors were focused on interest rates as the bank's transmission mechanism
 volatility      変動性、乱高下
 unconventional easing policy    異次元の緩和政策
 self-defeating    自滅的な
 sap the downward pressure on long-term rates   長期金利の下押し圧力を弱める
 the expected rate of inflation    期待インフレ率、予想インフレ率
 judge the impact of the BOJ's easing    日銀の緩和策の効果を判断する


■  differ on ...   ~に関して意見が合わない、~の点で考え方が違う 
(反対語:  agree on ...  ~に関して意見がまとまる)
Though John and I agree on what exactly the problem is, we differ on the best way to solve it. 

■  full-on    完全な、全開の、全面的な

Though Abenomics have produced some desirable effects, there are those who argue that the prime minister's policies are not producing a full-on economic recovery.
What started as a handful of people holding up signs in front of one government building has turned into a full-on, nationwide protest with hundreds of thousands taking part.

■  back-to-back    連続した、たて続けの
Back-to-back golf competitions will be held this coming Saturday, the first one starting at 10:00a.m., and the second at 1:00 when the first one ends.

■  be on good terms with ...    ~と仲が良い

Mr. Tanaka has excellent communication skills and therefore is on good terms with all of his colleagues.
The two divorced last year but are still on very good terms (with each other).

■  move in the right direction  正しい方向に動く
Jerry says that he wants a promotion, but instead of volunteering for extra projects to show his boss what he can do, for example, he spends all his free time playing video games.  I don't think he's moving in the right direction.

■  give due consideration to ...   ~に当然の(しかるべき)配慮をする
The outdoor event was ruined by heavy rain.  Clearly, its planners did not give due consideration to the possibility of bad weather.


