
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


THE NIKKEI WEEKLY (June 17 / P.24)
Is Japan back, you ask? The real question is, was it ever gone? 

trials and tribulation     試練と苦難
bursting of the bubble    バブル崩壊、バブルが弾けること
endure   耐える
economic stagnation   景気停滞、不況
reel from ...       ~に動揺する、~でふらつく
Lehman shock    リーマン・ショック
contraction   縮小、低下
valiantly    果敢に、勇敢に
dim future    暗い前途、視界不明瞭の未来
the triple disasters of March 11     3月11日の3重苦
three-pronged strategies    「三本の矢」の戦略
consumer confidence    消費マインド、消費者の信頼
Cabinet Office    内閣府
putting aside ...       ~はさておき、~をわきにおいて
sheer scale      驚くほどの規模、スケールの大きいこと
billing     番付
for reference   参考までに
pharmaceutical market   製薬市場
cosmetics market  化粧品市場
life insurance     生命保険
information technology services   IT(情報技術)サービス
keep a straight face  真顔を保つ、感情(笑い)をこらえる



■  a number of ...    いくらかの~、たくさんの~
■  a dim future    暗い未来、見込みが薄い将来 
■  re-energize   再び活気づける、再び元気づける
Though some had predicted "a dim future" for Company A due to lackluster sales over the past several years, a number of new hit products has re-energized the company and given it new life.

■  reel from ...   ~で動揺する、~でよろめく
Though Harry has enjoyed working here for many years and was looking forward to many more, he was told yesterday that his contract would not be renewed.  He is still reeling from the shock.

■  put aside ...    ~をわきにおく、~を考えない
Inside sources say that before a proposed merger can go forward, both companies involved will have to put aside their differences and focus on what business philosophy they have in common.

■  take the long-term view   長期的見解をとる、長期的にみる
People who put money into conservative, low-yield investments take the long-term view that although the overall economy may grow slowly, it will still provide opportunity for wealth.



