
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


THE NIKKEI WEEKLY (July 8  / P.26)
Emerging economies require consideration


require consideration  配慮を必要とする、検討を要する
emerging-market nations        新興国、新興市場の国
struggle with...      ~に苦しむ、〜と取り組む
economic turbulence     経済混乱
weakening currency       通貨の下落
stem from...           ~から生じる、~に由来する
U.S. Federal Reserve    米連邦準備理事会(FRB)
scale back    縮小する、削る
lead to...      ~を生じさせる、〜をもたらす
anti-government demonstration  反政府デモ
trigger    引き起こす、もたらす
popular discontent     国民の不満、民衆の不満
the Fed    米連邦準備理事会(FRB)
quantitative easing policy   (金融の)量的緩和政策
stagflation   スタグフレーション
overheating   過熱する
real estate market     不動産市場
short-term interest rate    短期金利
take the steam out of...       ~の勢いを鈍らせる
land price    地価
The International Monetary Fund      国際通貨基金(IMF)
deal with...        ~に取り組む
income disparity    収入格差
pollution  環境汚染、公害
deteriorate  悪化する
current account deficit    経常赤字
fast-growing economy  急成長中の経済
move ahead with...     ~を前に進める、進展させる
tackle environmental issues    環境問題に取り組む
indispensable    欠かせない、必須の
be discouraged from...      ~を思いとどまる
resort to...       ~に訴える、~に頼る
trade protectionism        保護貿易主義
domestic agricultural products     国産農産物
normalize      正常化する、通常どおりに戻す

■ amid ...    ~の最中に、~の中で
Company A CEO Suelyn Smith has called a press conference amid rumors of a merger with Company B.

The lost 4-year-old was found amid crowds of shoppers near a water fountain in the main plaza area.

■  stem from ...    ~から生ずる、~に由来する
Jack's failure to land the job he applied for stems from his lack of experience in the field.

■  scale back ...   縮小する、減らす
I've looked at your financial situation and have realized you may be in trouble.  First, you need to scale back your spending on luxury items, starting immediately.

■  A triggers B    AはBの引き金を引く
   B is triggered by A  BはAによって引き起こされる

A new shopping app(lication) on smartphones has triggered a large wave of spending at local stores.

A large wave of spending at local stores has been triggered by a new shopping app(lication) on smartphones.

■  take off  上昇し始める、売れ出す、成功し始める    
Sales of Company C's party tents, which have long been lackluster, are finally starting to take off thanks to a recent outdoor barbecue boom.

■  resort to ...  ~に訴える、~に頼る
In an attempt to consolidate power and garner popularity, it is not uncommon in the United States for politicians to resort to underhanded tactics, such as starting a smear campaign, to eliminate political rivals.


