
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English
記事は「Nikkei Asian Review」、
「日本経済新聞 木曜夕刊2面」をご活用ください

●< Nikkei Asian Review - Headline >

Japan Inc. headed for first sales growth in 3 years

●< Nikkei Asian Review 今週のニュース >

Abe, Trump sticking with hard line on North Korea

日米「北朝鮮に最大限圧力」 対日赤字削減へ協議
(11月16日 日経夕刊2面)

◆ 注目記事の時事英語・キーワード

stick with ~から離れないでいる、あくまでも続ける
→Though my car is very old and everyone says I should buy a new one, I'm going to stick with the one I have for now.

hard line   強硬路線
tight-lipped   口をかたく閉ざした、口を閉ざし言わない
contain   封じ込める
be in complete agreement   完全に見解が一致する
→Mary's parents are in complete agreement with her wish to study abroad for the next school year.

joint news conference  共同記者会見
regime   体制、政権
The era of strategic patience  戦略的忍耐の時代
the international sanctions will begin to bite in cold weather   寒くなれば国際制裁が身にしみてくる
rogue regime ならず者政権
hard-line stance  強硬姿勢
→Publishing Company V has a very hard-line stance regarding copyright infringements, as well as a team of highly skilled lawyers.

the theory goes   理論上は~である
top the agenda   最重要の議題になる
reach a critical stage   重大な局面に達する
withdraw Japanese citizens from   ~から日本国民を引上げさせる
waste no opportunity to    ~する機会を決して逃さない

