
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


12月24日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』の記事(P.1)
Abe out to show he has answers
After big comeback, LDP leader sets sights on economy, diplomacy

― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――
LDP (Liberal Democratic Party)    自民党(自由民主党)
set sights on...    ~をめざす、~に照準をあわせる(set one's sights on)
deflation    デフレ
anemic growth    停滞した経済成長、精彩を欠く成長
landslide victory    地滑り的勝利、圧倒的大勝利
lower house election    衆議院選挙
be set to...    ~することになっている
special Diet session    特別国会
boost public works spending    公共事業費を増やす
prod    促す、せかす
postwar low    戦後最低
turnout    投票率
junior coalition partner    連立与党の従属的な)連立パートナー
supermajority    圧倒的多数、安定多数
bill    法案
Democratic Party of Japan     日本民主党
have free rein     思い通りにする、自由を手にする
shore up     支える、てこ入れする、補強する
strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance     日米同盟を強化する
go through a rough patch     憂き目を見る、困難な目にあう
rocky relations     ぎくしゃくした関係
premier    首相、総理大臣
step down 辞任する
get a second shot at...     二度目に~する、~に再挑戦する
get right down to business    すぐに本題に入る、本腰を入れる
fiscal year      会計年度
supplementary budget        補正予算
upend    覆す、大打撃を与える
provisional budget     暫定予算
call for...     ~を要求する
ramp up     増やす
government bond issuance     国債の発行
fillip     刺激
unravel     解体する、(計画を)つぶす、白紙に戻す
as of... ~現在
general-account budget   一般会計予算
disaster reconstruction project    震災復興計画
special account    特別会計


see little reason to do ...    ~をする理由がほとんどわからない
factor in ...   ~を要因として入れる、~を計算に入れる
Once Land Development Company A had factored in harsh new tax laws that were to go into effect in Country B the following year, it saw little reason to continue making property investments there.

have free rein   思い通りにする(自由な手綱を持つ)
As opposed to last year when John had to work with a committee to decide all the details of the company's annual gathering, this time he has free rein to decide everything himself.

go through (some) rough patches   つらい目にあう、憂き目を見る
While Company C has gone through rough patches -- the 1973 oil crisis and the collapse of the economic bubble, to name a few -- it has always maintained a leading position in the global market.
C社が難局 ―― 2、3例を挙げると、1973年の石油危機そしてバブル景気の崩壊 ―― などにあったのに、同社は世界市場を牽引する立場を常に維持したのです。

face-to-face (adjective)  差し向かいでの、ひざ詰めの
Should you ever have a face-to-face encounter with a bear while hiking in the forest, the worst thing to do is to run away.

 face to face (adverb)  差し向かいで、直面して
This is an important matter. So rather than calling or exchanging e-mails, I think we should meet face to face.

get a (second) shot at ...  ~に(再)挑戦する、(2度目)の試みをする
Though Mary was unable to win gold at the recent Olympic Games, she willget a second shot at the top Olympic medal 4 years from now if she is still able to qualify.

get (right) down to business  (真剣に)取りかかる、本腰を入れる
Gentlemen, I only have 30 minutes before I must leave for the airport, so if you don't mind, shall we get right down to business?


