
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


11月19日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』の記事(P.2)
Time for parties to engage in vibrant debate to revive nation

― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――
engage in debate     議論に参加する、議論を闘わせる
revive     再生する、復活させる
warring      相争っている、戦いを繰り広げている
campaign for an election    選挙戦を展開する
paralysis 機能不全、停滞、麻痺
a slew of...    たくさんの~、多数の~
pressing issue      差し迫った課題、緊急の問題
lawmaker     議員
make a decision      決定を下す
intraparty feud      党内抗争、党内不和
get in the way     行く手をふさいでいる、妨げになる、邪魔をする
contest     争う
poll   投票
blaze a path       先頭を切る、道筋をつける
stalemate     手詰まり、こう着状態
enact      制定する、成立させる
sales tax hike      消費増税
cost dearly    高くつく、高い代償を払う
alienate    敵に回す、離党させる、遠ざける
hammer out the terms    苦心して条件をだす
dissolve the lower house     衆議院を解散する
dissenter   反対者
back to power    政権に返り咲く、政権を奪還する
show a markedly conservative stance   著しく保守姿勢を示す、明らかに保守色を強める
wage a bitter campaign battle   激しい選挙戦を闘う
distrust    不信
third force   第三勢力、第三極
wider option   より幅広い選択肢
discard one’s principle     原理原則を捨てる、基本路線を曲げる
come apart at the seams       縫い目がほころびる、崩壊する
perform dismally 働きが最悪である、働きがぱっとしない
pay the price    対価を支払う、つけを払う
inept    技量に欠ける、不向きな
cast one’s lot     運命を共にする、かけを投じる
live up to expectation     期待通りである、期待にこたえる
prolonged deflation    長引くデフレ
huge debt   巨額の財政赤字
rapidly graying population   急速な高齢化
shoulder a heavy burden    重い荷を背負う、重い負担を担う
look to the future  将来に期待する、将来に目を向ける
populist  ポピュリストの、人気取りの


get in the way じゃまになる
Sorry I'm late. A large tree had fallen across the highway and got in the way. The way was blocked, so I had to take an alternative route to get here.

cost (one) dearly  (人)に大きな犠牲を支払わせる
My new refrigerator with all the latest features is very nice but, it did cost me dearly. It was twice the price of a normal refrigerator.

Candidate A's comment that "Most people in this country are lazy" cost him dearly. In fact, it cost him the election.

hammer out...  打ち出す、議論を重ねて作り上げる
Companies A and B have decided to merge, but have yet to hammer out all the details like share ownership, who will be boss, and so on.

spur (one) into action  (人を)行動へとせきたてる
Harry had long considered learning a foreign language but had never done anything about it. Finally, his wife's signing up for a Spanish class at the community college spurred him into action. He joined the class as well.

come apart at the seams   だめになる、失敗する
I just bought this sofa cushion but it's already coming apart at the seams. Little bits of stuffing are all over the place.

Just when John & Helen's marriage appeared to be coming apart at the seams, they were able to receive some good counseling and get things back on track.

pay the price (for ... )   (... の)代償を払う
Jerry had a great time with all his friends last night at the Beaujolais
Nouveau release party. He's paying the price (for it) today, however, with a terrible hangover.

live up to (one's) expectations   (人の)期待に沿う
While growing up, Susan always lived up to her parents' expectations by getting good grades in school.

