
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


11月12日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.1)
Japan politics stuck in neutral as U.S., China shift into gear

― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

stuck in neutral     立ち往生する、はっきりしないまま立ち止まる
shift into gear   ギアを入れかえる
address    取り組む、対処する
recipient of Japan’s exports    日本の輸出先
political epicenter   政治の中心地、政治の中枢
territorial row     領土紛争
Japanese-Sino relations    日中関係
Communist Party    共産党
Xi Jinping   習近平(※胡錦濤体制から習近平体制発足)
Politburo Standing Committee   政治局常務委員会
rouse   興奮させる、聴衆を鼓舞する
maintain a slim majority  ぎりぎりで過半数を維持する
the Senate   (米国)上院
the House of Representatives   (米国)下院
fiscal clift     財政の崖、財政の危機
double whammy    二重苦、ダブルパンチ
tax hike      増税
federal spending cuts    米国政府の歳出削減
fall off a cliff      崖から落ちる
figure into... ~に関わる、~に関与する
by virtue of...   ~に基づいて、~のおかげで
the Senkaku Islands   尖閣諸島
the Diaoyu Islands   釣魚島(尖閣諸島の中国名)
anti-Japan riots   反日暴動
ostracize  締め出す、排斥する
refrain from...  ~するのを遠慮する、~したいのを控える
bid on public works projects   公共事業に入札する
have one’s fingers crossed   幸運を祈る、事態の好転を願う
keep a hard-line stance   強硬姿勢を保つ、強硬路線を保つ
practical benefit  実利
be elevated to...  ~に昇格する、昇進する
the National People’s Congress 全人代(「全国人民代表大会」※中国の国会にあたる)
curb Beijing’s military ambitions 中国の軍事的野心を抑制する、中国の軍拡に歯止めをかける

be anxious to ...   ~を切望して
Eric said he would call as soon as he got home but so far, he hasn't. As you can imagine, we are very anxious to hear from him.

I've been looking forward to your visit for such a long time and so am very anxious to see you again this Saturday!

double whammy   ダブルパンチ、二重の不運な出来事

My vacation in Europe was wonderful, except for the double whammy on the last day when my suitcase was stolen and I missed my connecting
flight on the way home.

for now   当分、さしあたり
for the time being   当分は、当座は

J: Would you like another beer? 
C: No, thanks. I'm good for now. But later maybe.
J: もう一杯ビールはどうですか?
C: いえ、結構です。さしあたりいいです。でも後でもしかすると。

have one's fingers crossed   幸運を願う、うまくいくよう願う

Heavy rain is forecast for this Saturday, just when this year's annual
flea market is to be held. Needless to say, all participants have their fingers crossed hoping the weather will stay fine.

change for the better / worse
改善する / 悪化する (changeは名詞にも動詞にも用いられる)
Though Company A's decision to increase its workers wages by 1% has been
criticized by some as completely inadequate, others feel that any change for the better is welcome.

関連表現: for better or (for) worse  どのような運命になろうと、よかれ悪しかれ

upbeat   楽天的な、快活な、楽しい

When asked by reporters how he had survived for 2 months alone at sea in a small life raft with no provisions, Mr. Kingsley said that capturing rainwater, occasionally catching small fish and singing songs in order to remain upbeat were all important.


