
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


6月11日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)、


massacre  虐殺
troops  軍隊
storm  強襲する、襲撃する
Tiananmen Square  天安門広場
rule of law  法の支配、法治
crackdown   弾圧、取り締まり
demand a review   再検証を必要とする、再考を要する
play a key role  重要な役割を果たす
organize the military assault  (軍隊の)武力攻撃を組織する
contradict the government’s official line 政府の公式見解に異を唱える
preventable tragedy 避けることのできる悲劇
commit suicide  自殺する
Chinese leaders in waiting  次代の中国指導者
Vice President Xi Jinping   習近平国家副主席(しゅう きんぺい)
should face historical facts  歴史の事実と向きあうべきである
has done little to quiet the demands voiced by students a generation ago
distorted   ひずんだ、ゆがんだ
then as now  したがって現時点では
President Hu Jintao  胡錦濤国家主席
contradiction   矛盾
respond with force  武力で対応する
for the first time in a decade   十年ぶりに
one hopes (that …)  人は(~であること)を望む
high-handed  高圧的な、威圧的な
blind civil rights activist Chen Guangcheng
house arrest  自宅監禁
subject to state reprisals  国家の報復にさらされる
tip of the iceberg  氷山の一角
a rethink is clearly in order  明らかに再考されてしかるべきである


be said to do ...   ~するといわれている
Regular jogging is said to increase life expectancy by several years, but we cannot be sure. It is also said to increase strain on the heart and knees.

for the first time in ...   ~の中で初めて、~ぶりに
Mr. Jones will be going to Spain next month for the first time in 17 years with Mr. White, who will be visiting the country for the first time ever. He has never been there before.

one hopes (that) ...   人は[だれでも] ~ということを希望する
Since natural disasters cannot be prevented, one only hopes that the damage they cause will be as limited as possible.

be subject to ...   ~の影響を受ける、~にさらされている
People who are subject to various forms of harassment at their workplace now have legal recourse to handle such problems.

the tip of the iceberg  氷山の一角
The recent accounting scandal at that company has made many wonder if the case isn't just the tip of the iceberg.

be in order  適切である
You've just been accepted by Company A and start your new job next month?!
Well, I think a celebration is in order! Shall I call your favorite restaurant and make dinner reservations for tonight?
キミはA社に入社して、来月新しい仕事を始めるんだろ?! では、お祝いしなくては! キミのお気に入りレストランに電話をして今夜のディナーの予約をしようか?

