
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


6月4日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.25)、
「需要不足 デフレの犯人?」経済関連記事です。

< キーワード、経済関連英語 >

persistent decline   持続的な下落
be blamed on...   ~のせいにされる
gross domestic product gap   国内総生産(GDP)ギャップ
straddle   (両足で)またがる
fissure    割れ目、深いギャップ
vicious circle    悪循環、いたちごっこ
household debt   家計の負債(家計の借金)
stateside   アメリカ本土内の
consumer price   消費者物価、小売物価
the Cabinet Office   内閣府
pessimism   悲観論
assumption   仮定、想定
refrain from...   ~を控える、~を思いとどまる
nominal wage   名目賃金
economic downturn   景気後退
massive job cuts    大規模な人員削減
shed jobs   雇用を削減する、雇用を切り捨てる
unemployment rate   失業率
crimp consumer spending   消費を抑制する、消費をはばむ
drive up the jobless rate   失業率を押し上げる
propensity to do   ~する傾向、~する癖
slash payrolls   従業員数(人件費)を大幅削減する
be vulnerable to...   ~を受けやすい、~にさらされている
in terms of...   ~の観点から、〜に関して
forex correlation   為替と相関関係
foreign exchange market   外国為替市場
paycheck   給与、俸給
fiscal expansion   財政拡大、財政出動
remedy   救済策、治療薬
hamper   阻む、妨げる
virtuous cycle   好循環
labor flexibility   労働(市場)の柔軟性
curb   抑制する、食い止める


force ... to do ...  (人)に~することを強いる
John's salary and working hours were reduced by half, which forced him to look for additional employment.

refrain from ...  ~を控える、~をやめる
We ask that all visitors refrain from taking pictures once inside the museum.

be keen to do ...     ~することを切に願っている、非常に~したがる
be keen on doing ...  
You say you feel like having Italian food? Well, to be honest, I was actually keen to try that new Vietnamese restaurant tonight.
イタリア料理を食べたい気がするって? でも、正直言って、ボクは今晩あの新しいベトナム料理屋に本当は行ってみたくてしょうがなかったんだ。

be willing to do ...   快く~する、~するのをいとわない
One of the reasons that Mary is so well-liked is that she is always willing to help people whenever asked.

keep ... from doing ...  (人・もの)に ~ することをさせない
I don't understand it. You tell me that you've always wanted be a pilot. You're young, smart, and have plenty of time & money. So what's keeping you from going to flying school?

have a propensity to do ...  ~する傾向がある
Frank can be nice but he does have a propensity to argue. As everyone will tell you, he always has to have the last word.

be vulnerable to ...  ~に傷つきやすい、~を受けやすい
Governments and companies worldwide must constantly renew their efforts so as not to be vulnerable to a recent and very real danger: cyber attacks.

