
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


5月14日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.28)、


embrace (積極的な)採用、信奉、受け入れ
laudable 賞賛すべき、結構な
eye 注目する、調べる
official language 公用語
priority 優先すること、重要度の高いもの
expatriate 海外駐在員
churn (激しい)異動、交代、激動
executive turnover  幹部の交代
subsidiary 子会社
coherent long-term strategy 一貫した長期的戦略
make extra efforts 特別に努力する、努力を惜しまない
quarterback   (アメフトの)クォーターバック、戦略後方指揮者
raise one's profile  印象を高める、存在感を高める
enhance 高める、強化する
viability 生存能力、存在力
from time to time 時々、時折
corner office 社長室
board room 役員会議室
less than perfect 決して完璧とはいえない
flawless 欠点のない、完璧な


■ A says something about ...   Aは~を暗に示す、Aは~を表現する
What you wear to a job interview says something about the impression you wish to make on your potential employer.
就職の面接に着て行く服は、雇用主になる可能性がある人に与えたい印象を暗に表現しています。 (make an impression on ... ~に印象を与える)

bridge the gap (between A and B)   AとBの間の隔たりを埋める(乗り越える)

When a company is able to bridge the gap between supply and demand, it is said to be successful.

Candidate A is considered to be the most middle-of-the-road in his approach to domestic policies. He may therefore be the best candidate to bridge the gap between conservative and liberal voters.

be visible  見える、人目につく
Thinking that a search plane may be looking for them, the lost mountain climbers made a large bonfire in order to be as visible as possible.

be vocal   声高に主張する
Since the meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, protesters worldwide have been more and more vocal against nuclear power.

actions speak louder than words  行動は言葉より大事である、口先よりも実践のほうが大事

The saying "actions speak louder than words" means that what one does is more important than what one says.

You've been saying for a long time that you would help around the house, but so far, you've done nothing. Well, I've decided not to believe what you say anymore. After all, actions speak louder than words.


