
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


5月7日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.4)の記事です
勉強しない学生 「白熱教室」で鍛え直す

< キーワード、時事関連英語 >

spark heated discussion   激論が盛り上がる、活発な議論を引き起こす
grapple with~   ~にしっかり取り組む
give one’s view   見解を述べる
valuable   価値がある
participatory   参加型の
be modelled after    ~を手本にする、~に倣って作られる
tackle questions    問題に取り組む
setting   環境
drone on    だらだらとしゃべる、退屈な長話をする
passively    消極的に、受動的に
stint   期間、任務
draw praise    称賛を受ける
conduct a survey    調査を実施する
spoon-feed    手取り足取り教える
remedial    救済的な、補習の
even number   偶数 (odd number  奇数)
credit    単位
due largely to~   主に~を理由として
foremost    最高の、一流の
spearhead    先頭に立つ、陣頭指揮を執る
come under the microscope    


spark (discussion, debate, protest, interest, etc)
When the teacher told her normally very quiet students that they could decide the destination for their next school field trip, it sparked a very lively class discussion.

grapple with ... ( = wrestle with ... ) ~にしっかり取り組む
Retailer A had planned to open its 2nd shop this year but then decided to scrap the idea. It is simply grappling with too many problems at its first shop.

drone on  (~について)だらだらしゃべり続ける
Howard is to make a speech at tomorrow's shareholders meeting but no one is looking forward to it. He tends to drone on and on with boring stories and make his listeners feel very sleepy.

rough and tumble  無鉄砲な
Jerry's childhood was full of rough and tumble experiences: falling off his bicycle countless times; getting into scuffles with other boys; breaking this bone or that -- just to name a few.
ジェリーの幼少期はやんちゃな経験をいっぱいしました:数えきれないほど自転車から落ちたり;他の男の子とケンカしたり;あちこち骨折したり ―― 挙げたらキリがないですが。
cf. you name it 何もかも、何でも

break one's habit(s)  人の癖を直す
When studying a foreign language, it is important to learn proper pronunciation
from the very beginning. If you don't, it will be very difficult to break your habit of mispronouncing words and phrases later.

vary greatly  大いに異なる / vary slightly  わずかに異なる
In that wine shop, the price for one bottle varies greatly. On the inexpensive side, you can pay several hundred yen, but at the high end, several tens of thousands.

now that ...  今や~だから
Friends and I were going to play golf today, but now that it looks like rain, we're thinking of doing something else.

spoon-feed  スプーンで食べさせる、手取り足取り教え込む

As Mary's baby boy is not able to use eating utensils yet, she must spoon-feed him every day.

As Mr. Thompson's students are not able to think for themselves, he must spoon-feed them with easy questions they are able to answer.


