
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


3月12日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.31)の記事です。

high achiever  成績優秀者、成功者
declare one’s candidacy 立候補を表明する
pick A over B Bと比較してAを選ぶ、BよりAを選ぶ
incumbent 現職者
neophyte 新人、新参者
wallflower 壁の花、(パーティーで)控えめな人
run 立候補する
draw notice 注意を引く、注目を引く
take ~ positively ~を肯定的に捉える
stem from ~  ~に端を発する、~に由来する
bar examination 司法試験
express admiration for ~ ~を称賛する、~に感嘆する
take office 就任する
pay one’s respects 表敬訪問する、敬意を表する
be designated as ~ ~に指定される
be overshadowed by ~ ~によって影が薄くなる、〜の影で目立たない
nursing care 介護
child-rearing assistance 子育て支援、育児手当て
make a pitch for ~   ~を宣伝する、~を売り込む
city council 市議会
decompress リラックスする、くつろぐ、ストレス解消する
advocate 代弁者、擁護者、弁護士

■ a mere ~   ほんの、たったの 
It used to take 60 minutes to get from the airport, but the new train will get arriving passengers from the airport to the city center in a mere 20 minutes.

■ pick A over B  Bに優先してAを選ぶ、BよりAを選ぶ
Company A believes that consumers will pick its new vacuum cleaner over Company B's top seller thanks to its price, which is 30% lower.

■ wallflower  壁の花、内気な人
Tired of being the wallflower at parties and social events because you have nothing interesting to say? Then join one of our social skills seminars and learn how to engage in and maintain active and interesting conversations with people!
おもしろい話ができないからパーティーや社交行事でひとりぼっちでいるのがいやになっていませんか? それなら我々の社交性養成セミナーの一つに加入して人との積極的でおもしろい会話に参加し続ける方法を学びましょう!

■ go straight to ~  ~に真直ぐ行く
When Hal got home last night, he was very tired and went straight to bed.

■ draw notice / attention  注目 / 注意を引き付ける
The appearance of an arctic seal named "Tama chan" in various rivers in the Tokyo area in 2002 created a national media sensation and drew the attention of millions.

■ stem from ~  ~から起こる、~から生じる 
John's declining work performance stems from the fact that he has been spending too much time in the office and has not been getting proper rest.

■ go on to (do ~ )  続けて(~する)、次に(~する)
■ practice law / medicine / dentistry  弁護士/内科医/歯科医 業を開業する 
In Japan, people may practice medicine after they have received an M.D. from a university, which generally requires 6 years of undergraduate study. Medical Doctors may then go on to acquire a Ph.D. if they wish.

■ decompress ( = relieve stress )  ~の圧力を除く;くつろぐ
Sitting in one's living room and watching TV is a very common way for people to decompress after a long day at work.

