
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


2月20日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.3)、

―― キーワード、経済関連英語 ――

belatedly   遅ればせながら
pivot   向きを急に変える、軸足を置いて回る
 → pivot on ~   ~にかかっている
fall behind the curve   時勢に遅れる、後手にまわる
go on the offensive   攻撃をしかける、攻勢に出る
asset purchase   資産買い入れ
by itself    それ自体は、それだけでは
BOJ policy board members    日銀政策委員
US Federal Reserve Board    米連邦準備理事会(FRB)
Federal Open Market Committee   米連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)
the Fed    米連邦準備理事会
follow suit   先例に倣う、後に続く
monetary policy    金融政策
powerful credit easing    強力な金融緩和
the grip of deflation   デフレ支配、デフレにはまっていること
¥10 trillion    10兆円
government bond yield   国債利回り
absorption of government bond    国債消化
swelling fiscal deficits   膨らむ財政赤字
come out with ~    ~を打ち出す、発表する
show positive signs    よい兆候を見せる
take a cue from~    ~を見習う、~からヒントを得る
turnaround   転換、好転
be heartened by     ~に励まされる、~に勇気づけられる
unwavering resolve    断固とした決意
quagmire    泥沼、苦境、窮地
for a change    目先を変えて、いつもと違って
resolute    意志の堅い

―― 使える英語 ――

belated(ly)  遅れた(遅れて)
I forgot it was your birthday yesterday so Happy Belated Birthday!

Belated Happy Birthday! / Happy Belated Birthday!

fall behind ( ~ )  (~)に遅れをとる
Bill came down with the flu and missed 4 of his Spanish language classes. As a result, he fell way behind the rest of the class and had a hard time understanding what the teacher was saying when he finally came back.

go on the offensive  攻勢に出る
Though Team A has shown great defense in the first half of the game, they haven't scored any points. If they don't go more on the offensive in the 2nd half and score some goals, it is doubtful that they can win.

follow suit    先例に従う、後に続く
come out with ~    出す、発表する
Since Apple came out with its first smartphone in 2007, rival companies have followed suit with an assortment of their own similar devices.

show positive signs   明るいしるし(きざし)を示す
Bob's condition was very bad. For a while it was touch and go whether he would survive. But now he is starting to show some positive signs: all bleeding has stopped; his breathing is back to normal; and he can move his arms and legs again.
ボブの状態は非常に悪かったのです。しばらくの間、助かるかは予断を許しませんでした。でも今は、いくらか明るい兆しを見せ始めています: 出血はすべて止まったところです; 呼吸は正常に戻っています;そして彼はもとのように手足(腕と脚)を動かせます。

be trapped (in ~ )  (~に)陥る、(~に)動きが取れなくなる
Much of the world's population is trapped in poverty, with little hope of changing inherent economic conditions.


