
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


1月30日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.3)、

―― キーワード、経済関連英語 ――

trade deficit  貿易赤字
turning point  分岐点、転換点
compete on price   価格で勝負する、価格で競争する
emerging economies   新興国
a war of attrition   消耗戦
weigh down   苦しめる、押し下げる、圧迫する
go through drastic changes   劇的な変化を経験する
Japan-bound   日本向けの
in earnest   本格的に
subcontract    下請けに出す
net importer   純輸入国(輸入が輸出を上回る状態)
trade balance is in the black   貿易収支が黒字である
surplus margin   黒字額、黒字幅
dividend    配当金
current account    経常収支
overseas subsidiary    海外現地法人、海外子会社
licensing fee   ライセンス料
stagnation   停滞、不振
step up   促進させる、さらに力を入れる
direct overseas investment   海外直接投資
foreign acquisition   外国企業買収
high-added-value business   付加価値の高い事業

―― 使える英語 ――

take ~ as a sign (that ~ )   ~を(~という)しるしだと思う
Two weeks ago, Mr. Suzuki told me he wanted to buy my car, but has since ignored all my calls and e-mails. I'm taking that as a sign that he is no longer interested.

weigh down (with ~ )  (~で)抑圧する、(~を)負わす
Many companies opt to lease capital assets so they are not weighed down with large expenses when it's time to upgrade those assets.

face the reality that ~  ~という現実を直視する(face the fact that ~
Though Bob seems to have decided to join an expedition to climb Mount Everest this summer, he needs to face the reality that at 90 years old, his chance of success is pretty much nil.
→nil ない、皆無の

in a row   続けて、連続して、立て続けに
In American football in 2011, the Green Bay Packers won their first 13 games in a row, finishing the season 15-1. When added to their winning streak in 2010, they had a total of 19 consecutive wins(/19 wins in a row).

over (the past decade)   (過去10年)間
Over the weekend, I had lots of things to do.
The Smiths enjoyed a Hawaiian vacation over the (Christmas and New Year) holidays.

juggle (A with B)    (BとA)をうまくやりくりする
Since her divorce, Susan has been working hard juggling her full-time job with raising her 2 daughters.

