
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


11月28日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.16)、

―― キーワード、経済関連英語 ――

gymnast 体操選手
Tokyo Sky Tree  東京スカイツリー
rank  順位をつける、順に並べる
debut  初登場、初公開
make a splash  大評判をとる、あっといわせる
light-emitting diode lighting   LED(発光ダイオード)照明
bang  大成功、活気
Nikkei-affiliated Research Institute of Industry and Regional Economy
free-standing communications tower  自立式電波塔
be slated to …   ~する予定である
open to the public   一般に公開する
landmark   名所になる建物、際立った建造物
domed theater  ドームシアター(丸天井の劇場)
tourist attraction  観光名所
have high hopes that …   ~に大いに期待をする
revitalize  ~に新しい活力を与える、活性化する
retain much of the flavor of old Tokyo
unique combination   独特な組み合わせ
present … with …  ~に~を与える、~に~を差し上げる
fixture   設備、照明具、取り付け具
widely available    幅広い用途に使われる
three key concepts of the moment: environmental friendliness, energy efficiency and economic benefit
propel     推進する、促す
sophisticated     高性能の
versatile    多機能の、用途が多い
gloominess    陰鬱さ、沈滞ムード
counteract the funk    (景気の)暗いムードに対抗する
 cf. blue funk ひどい恐怖、ひどい落ち込み
super-fuel-efficient gasoline-powered car    超低燃費ガソリン車
gas-sipper    低燃費車
 ⇔ gas-guzzler 燃費の悪い車

―― 使える英語 ―― 


make a big splash  大評判をとる、大きな影響を与える
The famous movie director Steven Speilberg made his first big splash in the movie industry in 1975 with his film "Jaws".

be slated to do ~  ~する予定である
This restaurant is slated to be closed for renovation for all of next month.

have high hopes 大きな望みを持つ、大いに期待している
Mr. & Mrs. Johnson have high hopes for their daughter, Amy, who has just graduated from the nation's highest ranking university.

sophisticated   洗練された;高性能の
The engines & computerized components in hybrid cars today are extremely sophisticated, requiring mechanics who would repair them to have highly specialized knowledge & skill.

attract attention 注目を引き付ける、注意を引く
In a bid to attract the attention of potential customers, Retailer A is giving away one free smartphone per day at each of its shops during the entire month of December.

