
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


11月7日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)、社説を取り上げました。


corporate governance   企業統治
back-to-back   相次ぐ、連続した
shareholder   株主
lax   緩い、手ぬるい
oversight  監視、監督
put~under a harsh glare   ~を厳しい視線にさらす
founding family   創業者一族
subsidiary   子会社
lodge a criminal complaint against~  ~を刑事告訴する
hand out 配る、与える
zero-collateral loan    無担保貸し付け
acquisition    買収
spawn   引き起こす
write –down   評価損、減損処理
staggering    膨大な、驚くような
advisory fee  顧問料
vet   審査する、入念に検査する
dereliction of duty    職務怠慢
bubble economy popped  バブル経済が弾けた
outside director   社外取締役
auditor   監査役
all the same それでも、ともかく
look at ~ squarely ~を直視する、まともに見る
Chamber of Commerce   商工会議所
unbeholden to ~    義務をおっていない
mandatory    義務的な、強制的な
have a point    一理ある
mistrust    不信
there is room for compromise    妥協の余地がある
couch the requirement in stock exchange rules    要件を証券取引所ルールに盛り込む
parent company    親会社
safeguard(s)  予防措置
get A across to~  Aを~に理解させる、Aを~にわからせる

― 使える英語 ―

pay the price for ~  ~の代償を払う
I had a great time at the party last night. Unfortunately, though, I drank a bit too much and am paying the price for it today. I've got quite a headache.

have some (serious) explaining to do  (まじめに)説明する必要がある、(十分な)説明の必要がある 
OK, Hal. You'd promised to take care of all hotel arrangements for our clients but when they arrived at the hotel, no reservations had been made and no rooms were available! I think you have some explaining to do!
ハル、そこでだが。キミは当社のお客様のために全てのホテルの予約を手配すると約束していたが、彼らがそのホテルに着いた時、予約は少しもなされておらずましてや部屋は一室も空いてなかった! 説明してもらおうじゃないか!

something/anything/nothing comes of ~  ~からあることが生じる(何でも生じる/何も生じない)
Company X and Company Y have been talking of a merger for a long time. It seems, however, that the whole thing has just been for publicity so I don't think anything will come of their talks.

have a point  一理ある
I do not agree with you when you say that we should continue using our current strategy to address our company debt crisis. You do have a point, however, when you say that we also need to develop bold new strategies. That I can agree with.

there is room for ~ ~の余地がある
Workers at the plant say there is no more room for discussion with management and are planning to go on strike tomorrow as scheduled.

get serious about ~  ~について本気になる
When are you going to get serious about cleaning your work area? You've been saying that you'll do something about it for months now but it's still a total mess!
いつキミはデスクまわりをきれいにすることについて真剣になるつもりだ? キミはもう数か月の間それについて何かをすると言ってきたのに依然として全く乱雑だが!

--- You the Listener ---

Hello Greg,

Jeff here. Just wanted to let you know that I'll be back Stateside over the holidays visiting family & friends, and will be back in Tokyo on January 10.

Meanwhile, please have a great holiday yourself. And I'll be looking forward to working with you again next year.

I'd just like to let you know that our office will be closed for the New Year holiday from December 31 to January 3 of next year.

I'd also like to say that it has been great working with you this year, and that all of us at Radio NIKKEI look forward to the possibility of doing so next year as well.

May you and your family have a wonderful New Year!

Warmest regards,

Jeffrey Swiggum

