
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


2月28日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.4)、
< キーワード、時事関連英語 >

population  人口
preliminary census data  国勢調査の速報値
bring … into relief  目立たせる、浮き彫りにする
demographic challenges  人口の難題、人口問題がつきつける挑戦
stark  くっきりした、際立った
cast doubt on ~   ~に疑問を投げかける
stand at ~  (数などが)~である
mere ほんの
meager わずかな
be attributable to ~  ~に起因すると考える、~に原因があるとする
foreign resident  外国人居住者
vital statistics  人口動態統計
native-born  その土地に生まれた、生え抜きの
the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
fertility rate  合計特殊出生率(1人の女性が生涯に生む子どもの数の平均)
dearth of permanent jobs  正規(終身)雇用の不足
child-rearing  子育て、育児
retiree  退職者
a better means of financing it  それ(社会保障制度)の費用負担のよりよい方法
labor pool 労働供給源、労働力
work force 労働人口
(be) comprised of ~  ~から成る
potential economic growth rate  潜在成長率


the prospect of ~  ~の見通し
encourage (one) to do ~  (人に)~するよう促す
meager   わずかな、不十分な
be attributable to ~  ~に原因があるとする
shoulder a/the burden/cost, etc   重荷(責任)を負う/費用を負担する
devise a system/scheme/method, etc  (制度/計画/方法)を工夫(考案)する
dwindle   だんだん少なくなる、縮まる


Mr. Clark: Jeff, as I have long been saying, our overall productivity has been gradually decreasing. Something needs to be done.

Jeff: Well, as you know, Mr. Clark, our falling productivity is largely attributable to all the layoffs we've had. Fewer and fewer people are trying to do the same amount of work, and ...

Mr. Clark: Yes, I know that. So that's why I'd like YOU to devise some system that will encourage each and every employee to raise his or her work output ... by at least 10%.

Jeff: 10%? Hmmm, faced with the prospect of working longer hours, I think that worker support for any type of system would be meager, at best. But, OK, I'll give it some thought and see what I can come up with.
10%? えー、今よりもっと長く働く見通しに向かったら、ボクは思うんですけど。どんなタイプの制度があったとしても労働者の支持がよくても乏しいものであるんじゃないかと。でもわかりました。少し考えてなにが提案できるかみてみましょう。

Mr. Clark: Thanks, Jeff. And don't worry. You won't be shouldering the burden alone. I will give you full support. To begin with, you can pass on this message from me: If people don't like the prospect of working longer hours, then they should consider the prospect of being unemployed.

Jeff: Good point. I think that will keep their support from dwindling.


each and every   だれもみな、どれもこれも
at best  せいぜい、よくても
give it some thought  それを少し検討する、それを考えてみる
Good point   いい考え、その通り

