
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


12月13日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.34)、


pry open こじ開ける
whistle-blowing Web site 内部告発ウェブサイト
send shock waves 衝撃を与える
highly sensitive 極秘の、機密度の高い
reveal 明らかにする、現す
law enforcement authorities 捜査当局
in custody 拘留中の
on suspicion of~ ~の容疑で
video footage ビデオの特定場面、ビデオ映像
Espionage Act (米国の)スパイ防止法、諜報活動取締法
be examined from several angles いくつかの角度から検証される
national secret 国家機密
foreign diplomacy 外交
national defense 国防
jeopardize 危険にさらす
be made public 公開される
there is no doubt that~ ~であることは明らかだ、疑いの余地はない
play a crucial role 重要な役割を果たす
in no way 少しも~ない、決して~ない
disclose 開示する、公開する
be unwilling to~ ~したがらない
vulnerable to terrorist attack テロの標的になりやすい、テロリストの攻撃を受けやすい
encourage information sharing 情報共有をすすめる
backfire 裏目に出る
blunder 誤り、不手際、大失敗
in terms of~ ~の点から
information management 情報管理
have to do with~ ~と関係がある
verify 正しいかどうか確認する、証拠だてる
in cooperation with~ ~と協力して
adopt a new approach 新しい手法を採用する
provide A with~ Aに~を提供する
in advance 前もって、事前に
simultaneously 同時に、並行して


■ there is no doubt (that ~ )   (~ということに)疑いはない
■ tend to (do ~ )    (~する)傾向がある
■ as much/many ( ~ ) as possible   できるだけ多くの量の/数の(~)
■ be unwilling to (do~ )   (~をするのを)しぶる、~したがらない
■ have to do with ~   ~と関係がある
■ adopt a ~ approach   ~方法を採用する
■ in advance  前もって、事前に


(in Mr. Clark's office...)

Mr.Clark: Jeff, I know you were just going home for the day, but there's something I need to discuss. Can you guess what it is?

Jeff: Hmmm. Does it have to do with the e-mail you sent out to everyone yesterday, about putting in more overtime?

Mr.Clark: Yes. So I'd simply like to ask what the overall response has been. What are people saying?

Jeff: Well, as you might guess, they tend NOT to want to work more ... overall, I mean.

Mr.Clark: Well, I'm not asking them to work as many hours as possible. I just want them to work more than they have been. Of course, there is no doubt that a few people are ALREADY working long hours. But why are the rest so unwilling to do so?

Jeff: Well, maybe if you were to adopt a more employee-friendly approach, you could give them a bit more incentive. YOU know, something like, ummm... in addition to overtime pay, people could accrue points in advance toward some company "mileage" program, for example.

Mr.Clark: Jeff! That's a great idea! Why don't you work out all the details
and have a proposal on my desk first thing tomorrow morning?
ジェフ! そりゃ名案だ! 全ての具体案をたてて提出したらどうか? 明朝一番、私の机に。

Jeff: Ummm ... I'd have to work overtime.

Mr.Clark: Fantastic!!

※ 架空の設定です。
※ moonlighting 夜間の副業

