
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


9月13日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.29)、


testimony   証言、証(あかし)
sturdy  頑丈な、がっしりとした
399m above sea level  海抜399メートル
come into operation  操業を開始する
maximum output  最大出力
hydro-electric power plant  水力発電所
famous for its heavy snowfalls  豪雪地帯で有名な
greater Tokyo  大東京、首都圏
surging demand for~  ~に対する需要の増加
one after another  次々に、1つまた1つと
compensation  補償
run into rough waters  荒海に突入する、交渉が難航する
be buried at the bottom of a new water reservoir   貯水池の底に沈む
flowering fern   ゼンマイ
back then   当時としては、そのときは
rice paddy   水田
gravestone   墓石
moneymonger   金の亡者、金貸し cf. fishmonger
chitchat   雑談、世間話
pass away 亡くなる、逝去する
hand on   次へ渡す、伝える
have hardships  辛苦を味わう、つらい思いをする
be said to~ ~と言われている、されている


■ indeed  本当に、確かに
■ hometown  郷里、故郷の町
■ (a place) is famous for its ~ (ある場所は)~で有名である
■ one after another   次々に、ぞくぞくと 
■ boast ~  有する、~を持つ
■ (A) is said to (be/have ~ )   (A)は(~である/~を持つ)と言われている


Mr.Clark: Jeff, as you know, I'll be in the Chicago area next week attending
some important meetings. And, one of my stops after that will include a night in your hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. Is there any restaurant there that you'd recommend?

Jeff: Really? Oh yeah. You can't spend an evening in Madison WITHOUT going to the Bratwurst House on State Street.
本当に? ええ、はい。州通りのブラットブルスト・ハウスに行かずにはマディソンでひと晩を過ごせませんが。

Mr.Clark: The Bratwurst House? That would be famous for its German Sausages, I suppose?
ブラットブルスト・ハウスだって? ドイツのソーセージで有名なのかな?

Jeff: It is indeed. It's said to have the best grilled sausages in the State of Wisconsin, and after you try one, you'll know why. You'll also start ordering them one after another, I guarantee.

Mr.Clark: Well, I won't have time to try all the sausages in Wisconsin, but maybe I can go there and have a few.

Jeff: The Bratwurst House also boasts an outdoor terrace, where you can dine outside & enjoy the lively University of Wisconsin campus atmosphere.

Mr.Clark: That sounds good, Jeff. Thanks for the tip.

Jeff: You bet. So, by the way, if you do actually go there, I don't suppose you would mind bringing a few German Sausages back to New York with you ... as souvenirs?

※ 架空の設定です。

◎おまけ◎ 米・英で別表現をする同義語の例

gas (gasoline)/ petrol
trunk/ boot
hood/ bonnet
elevator/ lift
subway/ underground

