
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


8月23日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.27)、


soar  急騰する、急上昇する
take a toll on ~  ~に被害[打撃]を与える、~を失わせる
lone  唯一の、孤立した、独りの
stubbornly  頑固に
stand by  傍観する
deflation-hit Japan  デフレにみまわれた日本
shift production overseas  海外に生産(拠点)を移転する
rob ~of employment opportunities  ~から雇用機会を奪う
gain against the euro  ユーロに対して高く(強く)なる
greenback  米国ドル紙幣
forgo  差し控える、なしで済ませる
The U.S. Federal Reserve Board  米連邦準備理事会(FRB)
long-term government debt  長期国債
stem  食い止める、阻止する
double-dip recession  二番底の景気後退
withstand  持ちこたえる、耐える
brisk  活発な
weather  切り抜ける
a mighty yen  強い円、円高
financial market meltdown  金融市場崩壊
the final straw  破滅をもたらす最後のわずかな望み、限界を超えさせる出来事
scramble to~  あわてて~する、~しようと先を争う
unfulfilled  実現されていない、履行されていない
ballooning fiscal deficits  財政赤字の拡大
stimulus measures  景気刺激策
politically untenable  政治的に維持できない
remain in the shadows  陰に潜んでいる、目立たないでいる
take action  行動を起こす
speculator  投機家、投機筋
volatility  乱高下、変動
when it counts  ここぞというとき、大事であるとき
be squeezed by ~  ~に苦しむ、圧迫される、~に泣かされている

take a heavy toll on ~  ~に大きな打撃[損失]をもたらす、~を大量に失わせる
be well/better equipped to do ~    ~できるようによく[よりよく]備えている
weather ~   ~を切り抜ける、~を耐え抜く  cf. get through
the final straw   破滅をもたらす最後のわずかな望み(最後の一本のわら)
scramble to do ~   ~するために大急ぎで行動する、~しようと先を争う


Mr.Clark: Jeff, they say a tropical storm is brewing in the southern Atlantic
and may hit the Florida coast next week. People are scrambling to get ready for it. Don't you have relatives living down there?

Jeff: My cousin used to have an orange orchard in central Florida, but he & his family moved last year.

Mr.Clark: Moved?

Jeff: Yes. They'd been hit by a series of hurricanes, which took a heavy toll on their crops. And, as you can imagine, farmers in Florida are not very well equipped to deal with cold weather, so when they had snow there two years ago, their entire crop was ruined.

Mr.Clark: Snow in Florida?! Sounds like they've weathered all types of storms.
フロリダで雪が?! 彼らはあらゆる嵐をしのいだようだ。

Jeff: Well, the snow was the final straw for them. They're now living in Michigan and trying their luck with apples.

Mr.Clark: Hmmm, I'm sure they'll have better luck there. I mean, after all, you can't compare apples with oranges.

Jeff: That's right.

※apples and oranges 「比較できないもの」

※ 架空の設定です。

