
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


8月16日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.27)


Japan watcher  日本通、日本の政治情勢を観察する専門家
short-lived  短命の、つかの間の
last  続く、存続する
disapproval ratings  不支持率
approval rating  支持率
step down  辞任する
overtake  追い抜く、しのぐ
public broadcaster  公共放送局
if … is any indication  もし~がなんらかの暗示(兆候)なら
fate  運命
bow out   退出する、辞任する、やめる
come to mind  思いつく、頭に浮かぶ
power struggle over the budget bill   予算案をめぐる権力闘争
yet another  さらにもう一人の
at the helm 指揮する立場で、舵をとって
detrimental to …  ~に不利益な
pursue Japan’s interests   日本の利益を追求する
standing with voters   有権者の間の評判
remain in office  職に留まる、政権に留まる
public mandate  国民の信任
leave the Diet divided again ねじれ国会をまた生じさせる、国会を再び分裂させる
fight for his political life  政治生命のために闘う
for good or ill よかれあしかれ、ともかくも
herculean   非常に困難な
split Diet  ねじれ国会
have little reason to do so  そうする理由はほとんどない
hardly come as a surprise  ほとんど驚くに当たらない
throw … a lifeline  命綱をなげる、頼みの綱となる
ammunition   攻撃の手段
summon  召喚する
rake over the coals  厳しく非難する
override …  ~に優先する、くつがえす
policy gridlock  政策の手詰まり
tire of  ~に嫌気がさす、~にうんざりする
call a snap election  解散選挙を行う(急な選挙を行う)
opposition case  野党の主張


■ His days are numbered  
 There is no good reason to do  ~する正当な理由はない
■ standing  地位、評判、支持状態
 herculean task  非常に困難な仕事、至難の仕事
be raked over the coals  厳しく喚問される、厳しく責められる


Mr.Clark: Noriko, I am in trouble again, this time for failing to foresee the slowdown of the Japanese economy. My days as an economic commentator are numbered.

Noriko: Well don't be too despondent. Predicting how an economy will move is a herculean task for anyone. You can't hope to be right all the time.
Mr.Clark: That's just the problem. If you want to maintain your standing as a commentator you have to be right every time. It is no good just being right some of the time.

Noriko: What kind of trouble do you expect?

Mr.Clark: Already I am being raked over the coals by the media for having made a wrong prediction. Some are even saying that there is no good reason ever to listen to me again when it comes to predicting the economy.


